Unit 1-2
Unit 3-4
Unit 5-6
Unit 7-8

Which of those words are for clothes Shape, Pattern or Material = 

baggy, checked, plain, striped, denim, tight, flat, spotted

shape = baggy, flat, tight

pattern = checked, striped, plain, spotted

material = denim


Choose the correct verbs.
Season/Peel the orange before eating it
Is there any butter to spread/grate on my toast ?
Let's roast/fry a chicken in the oven.
Can I borrow a knife to slice/grate the tomato ?
Sam bakes/chops his own bread. It's great !

1 peel

2 spread

3 roast

4 borrow, slice

5 bakes


Complete the sentences with question tags

Dennis didn't collect the money...
These problems will be solved,...
Fedor never plays football...
Bees produce honey...
All the pieces of the table have been measured...

1 did he?

2 won't they?

3 does he?

4 don't they?

5 haven't they?


Explain the following words : 

influence - ad blocker - advertise - buyer - slogan


Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
- January writing since a fashion blog She’s been.
- made your own clothes ever Have you?
- He’s designing for clothes two years been.

Extra question = What's the difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect continuous 

PP = Checks the result of the activity
PPC = Checks how long the activity is


Tell me cooking quantities (example : handful, cup...)










Match the words in the box with the definitions :
boiling-create-deafening-dreadful-enormous-freezing-gorgeous-measure-solve-waste (you don't need some)
- make something new
- very loud
- find the answer to
- find out the size of something
- very bad
- very beautiful

1 create

2 deafening

3 solve

4 measure

5 dreadful

6 gorgeous


Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive with to.
1- I'm not shy about___ (give) presentations.
2- I was so glad___ (see) my cousin Pavel Petrovich Perdun.
3- I remember ___ (feel) insecure on my first day at school.
4- My brother is 1 year old, he never stops____ (laugh).

1 giving

2 to see

3 feeling

4 laughing


Explain the words = do up, hang up, suit, fit, go with, fold

1 ... buttons

2 ... clothes

3 is the right style

4 is the right size

5 is the same style as the other one

6 before you put in the wardrobe


Complete the sentences with the future continuous form.
1 Where___they___while they’re on holiday?
2 I’ve got exams next week. I___my friends.
3 ___we ___ insects in 30 years’ time?

Complete the sentences with the future perfect form.
1 I think Viktor _____ life on Mars by 2065
2 Fedor _____ his exams by the end of the lesson
3 They _____ yet. It's only 7.30

will be ing - will have v3rd 

1 will ... be goindg

2 won't be meeting

3 will ... be eating

1 won't have discovered

2 will have taken

3 won't have woken up


Complete the expressions with get, have or take.

On my nerves, advantage of, fun, risks, bored, doubts,an interest in, a lot out of, pleasure in, to know, lost, the chance

get: on my nerves, bored, to know, lost, the chance

have: doubts, the chance

take: advantage of, risks, an interest in, a lot out of, pleasure in, the chance


Tell me 4 expressions with the words HEART and 6 with the word MIND



Use the phrasal verbs to complete = do without/go back to/go through/ look forward to/move to/settle down/try out/turn down
1- Let’s___the bus station.
2- I’m___the concert on Saturday.
3- I can’t___a shower every morning.
4- I’m sorry, but I have to___ your invitation.
5- Bethany is___a hard time at the moment.

1 go back to

2 looking forward

3 do without

4 turn down

5 going through


Complete the sentences with the correct form of feel (like), look (like), smell (like), sound (like) or taste (like).

1 - It doesn’t __very good in here. Please open the windows.
2 - When you sing, you don’t really__an angel!
3 - Wow! That photo___a painting! It’s so artistic!
4  A - Do you want to go skateboarding?
    B  - Yes, that__a good idea!
5- This perfume___roses and oranges. It’s great!
6 - It__an oven in here! Please put the air conditioning on!
7 - This strawberry ice cream___great! Did you make it yourself?
8 - These tomatoes____quite green and they really hard. So, I don’t think they’re going to___very nice!

 1 smell 2 sound 3 looks like 4 sounds 5 smells like 6 feels like 7 looks 8 look 9 taste


Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1- If I___ (get) lost, I___ (not arrive) on time.
2- Alexei__(not say) anything if you ___(not get) on his nerves.
3- Kostya___ (not be) able to buy a new phone if he ___ (not save) his money for months.
4- If Maxim___ (not sit) at the back of the class, he___ (hear) what the teacher could say. 

1 had got, wouldn't have arrived

2 wouldn't have said, hadn't got

3 wouldn't have been able, hadn't saved

4 hadn't sat, would have heard


Complete the sentences with pronouns
1    Sometimes images in ads make me feel bad about__.
2    When we see an ad, we should tell___that it’s not the real world.

3____sees adverts, but that doesn’t mean they believe __they see.
4 Many ads show people enjoying____.
5 Some online ads encourage users to tell____about new products.

1 myself

2 ourselves

3 Everyone, what

4 themselves

5 each other


Complete the text with used to, would or the past simple
When my mum was ten, she 1 (get) a cat for her birthday. She loved the cat and it 2 (follow) her everywhere. The cat 3 (explore) other people’s gardens and he 4 (fight) with other cats from time to time. Then one day, the cat 5 (not come) home. Mum 6 (be) so sad – she 7 (put up) posters to try and find him. Finally, he came home fivedays later. Mum was very happy!

1 got - 2 followed - 3 would explore - 4 used to fight - 5 didn't come - 6 was - 7 put up 


Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, (don’t) need to, should or (don’t) have to.

1 - You__touch the paintings. It’s not allowed!
2 - We __ get up early this morning because the train left at 7.
3 - I don’t think you__wear green with purple, but it’s your decision.
4 - I___borrow your bike, but thanks for the offer.
5- ____(you) wear a uniform at your old school?
6 - I___ tidy my bedroom tonight, but I’m not going to do it.
7 - You___help me, but it’d be great if you could.
8 - (we) get a visa to travel to Turkey?

1 mustn't 2 had to 3 should 4 don't need to 5 did you have to wear 6 have to 7 don't have to 8 do we have to

Match the word to the sentences = inspire - obstacle - overcome -  achieve - encourage.
- My parents do this so I read more books.
- I need to go around or over this.
- An amazing person does this to other people.
- If you make it good, you ...
- It is a problem, but you find the solution after a long work

1 encourage

2 obstacle

3 inspire

4 achieve

5 overcome


Complete the text. use the following words to help you : comment on, delete, build up, follow, post, shut down, switch on, vlog about.

Dear subscriber,
Thank you for subscribing to our YouTube channel. You can also___us on Twitter and Instagram. Over two years we have___over one million followers thanks to you. On this channel we will be____our favourite video games. If you would like to____the videos, we’d love to hear from you, and we’d love you to____ideas for new vlogs. If you follow us on Twitter, you can___the option to receive new messages from us on your screen. Remember, rude posts will be____. If you continue to make rude comments, your account will be reported and it might be_____.

1 follow

2 built up

3 vlogging about 

4 post 

5 comment on

6 switch on

7 deleted

8 shut down