21 of these are STEM subjects
How many Bachelors offered in Oxford are STEM?
When was Wadham college founded?
Christopher Wren designed this building.
Who designed the Sheldonian Theatre?
There are 5 such stores in Oxford
How many Taylor's stores are there?
3 of these are Art Subjects
How many courses are offered at Oxford which are Arts subjects?
This famous physicist/mathematician, still alive today, studied in Wadham College.
What college did Sir Roger Penrose come from?
When was the University of Oxford founded?
The second largest library in Britain with over 13 million copies.
In comparison of size, how large is the Bodleian Library?
17 minutes by Google Maps
This famous playwright from the 1800s studied in Magdalen College.
Which college did Oscar Wilde come from?
Andrew Wiles Building
What is the name of the Mathematical Institute?
When was the Ashmolean Museum given to the University of Oxford?
Only two students go in each year.
How many students go into All Souls college each year?
8 minutes by Google Maps
How long does it take to travel to the Ashmolean Museum from Wadham College?
This rock band is from Oxford
Where is Radiohead from?
57 of these people are from Oxford
Out of all the Nobel Prize Laureates, how many come from the University of Oxford?
When was the Radcliffe Camera completed?
Christ's College in Cambridge
What is Wadham College's sister college in Cambridge?
In the Botanic Gardens
Where can you find the Cheshire cat? (From Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials)
Alexander Fleming (discovered)
Howard Florey and Ernst Chain (developed) from the University of Oxford. This discovery predicted to have saved 200 million lives since its creation.
Who from Oxford discovered Penincillin?
When was the Pitt Rivers Museum founded?
Out of the 64 people, 31 of them have come from Oxford.
Since 18th century, how many UK prime ministers have been from Oxford?
The Eagle and Child
Where did C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien typically meet?
The Inklings
What was the name of the informal literary group, including the likes of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien?