This O2 delivery device can deliver flows <6L/min
What is a nasal cannula
These two values should always be charted for any patient on high-flow nasal cannula
What are FiO2 and Flow (L/min)
Flows above this rate should be humidified for comfort and safety
This is the shape a reliable SpO2 reading should show
What is a sharkfin/undulating wave
What is with the center of the ball aligned with the line/tickmark
This O2 delivery device can deliver FiO2 of approx 85-95%
What is a non-rebreather mask
This is the range of flow generally used on our high flow devices here at the U
What is 30-60L/min
Patients' initial trial with a Passy-Muir valve requires a consult by which skilled clinician
What is an SLP
Some evidence exists to support the best SpO2 readings on these two fingers
What are 3rd and 4th?
These are the two ways you may see the O2 delivery percentage written or FiO2
Decimal or percent
This O2 delivery device can be used for flows of 6-10L/min
What is a simple mask / Face mask
The resting FiO2 need threshold for patients to stay on the floor
What is 60% FiO2
These are the sites for pulse-oxes that the U has regularly stocked
What are finger and forehead? (May also see earlobe and nose)
This device is our portable, low-flow device for patients who are trach dependent
What is a venturi
Trach dependent patients often use the high-flow setup regardless of FiO2 need because the high-flows deliver this essential component
What is humidity
You should never make this adjustment to a trach if it comes out of the patient
What is push it back in
People of color might demonstrate this inaccuracy when it comes to pulse-ox readings
What is a false high reading? (up to 2%)
This is the reason an AirVo (fancy/high-tech) HFNC is not portable away from bedside
Lack of battery backup for powering the entire device
This is the basic calculation to determine FiO2 on a low-flow device
What is L/min x4 +21%
This is the calculation to determine FiO2 on a high-flow device
Trick question! We do not use a calculation, FiO2 and flow are titrated separately
These are two setups for a trach dependent patient that could be attached to the venturi
What is a t-piece or a trach mask
This group of patients will likely have unreliable SpO2 readings
What are patients with LVADs
This is the reason the "stick" (low-tech) HFNC is not portable away from bedside