Trach Care
Critical Thinking

The expected Oxygen saturation level range.

What is 95-100%? 


This is the definition of perfusion. 

What is the flow of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) to and from the pulmonary capillaries (lungs)?


The type of infection control technique is used when performing trach care. 

What is surgical asepsis? 


Critical thinking in relation to nursing applications is. 

What is about why something is effective or ineffective. Also, following a process or pattern and not jumping conclusions. 


Your #1 priority with every patient.

What is safety?


The six types of oxygen delivery systems are.

What are Nasal Canula, Simple Face Mask, Partial Rebreather, Non-Rebreather, Venturi Mask, and Arisol Mask or Face Tent?


Perfusion is measured with this. 

What is pulse oximeter? 

(This is used to test perfusion. The higher the O2 saturation, the better the perfusion of the individual)


The time the patient should be given between each suction?

What is at least one minute between suction for ventilation and oxygenation? 

(Let them catch their breath.)


These are the three levels of critical thinking. 

Basic: Trusts experts and bases thinking upon rules.

Complex: Analyzing and examining data to determine the best alternative.

Commitment: Expects to make decisions without expecting help from others and takes accountability for those choices.

Advancement is based on knowledge and experience.


Type of safety education to be provided to an elderly patient returning to their home who is at risk for fall.  

What are get rid of rugs, Avoid having any loose cords, Be careful with any steps, stand and sit slowly, and keep your phone with you in case of falls.


 Late signs and symptoms of hypoxia are.

What are cyanosis in extremities, Bradycardia, Hypotension, Cardiac Dysrhythmias, and Stupor (hard to wake)?


A patient is newly diagnosed with COPD, does this have an issue with perfusion or oxygenation?

This patient has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), therefore, there is an issue with oxygenation because they cannot get sufficient oxygen delivered to the lungs. 

Perfusion Issues: Insufficient O2 distribution.

Oxygenation Issues: Insufficient delivery of O2 to the lungs.


A nursing action that must be performed before each suction. 

What is hyperoxygenate? 



These are the five critical thinking skills?

What are:

1. Observe

2. Use correct data collecting technique.

3. Differentiate between relevant and irrelevant data.

4. Organize and validate data.

5. Interpret assessment data and draw a conclusion.


Healthcare professionals are responsible for this type of patient safety and security. 

What is HIPPA? 


These are early signs and symptoms of hypoxia. 

What are tachypnea, Tachycardia, Restlessness/Anxiety, Pale Skin, Elevated Blood Pressure, and Nasal Flaring?


What factor does perfusion play in determining the site of administration for a given medication?

Administration sites with high perfusion have rapid absorption. (Major muscle groups and the lungs)

Administration sites with low perfusion have slow absorption. (Adipose tissue and topical/transdermal medications)


Proper techniques for suctioning a patient with a tracheostomy tube. Name the steps.

1. Remove bag or ventilator from the tube.

2. Insert catheter into airway.

3. Advance catheter until resistance is met or the patient cough.

4. Pull the catheter back 1 cm before beginning suction.

5. Apply intermittent or continuous suction by covering the suction port with your thumb. Suction no more than 10-15 seconds. 


How do you apply critical thinking to ATI?

Ask yourself what section they may be asking you about. Look for distractors in the question, they are there more often than not.


Measures that must be taken to ensure patient information security. Name three

-Log off any work station if you leave it

-Never share your Username or Password

-Never leave any kind of printed or written records where others can access them

-Shred any printed or written client information used for reporting or client care after use 


These are the flow rates for the six different types of oxygen delivery systems.

Nasal Canula: 1-6 L/min

Simple Face Mask: 6-12 L/min

Partial Rebreather Mask: 6-11 L/min

Non-Rebreather Mask: 10-15 L/min

Venturi Mask: 4-12 L/min

Aerosol Mask/Face Tent: 10 or More L/min


What is carried in the blood that makes perfusion so important in wound healing? Name three!

Oxygen, WBC, Proteins, and medication absorption and distribution. 


A nurse is caring for a client who has a tracheostomy. The nurse take these actions when providing tracheostomy care.

What are:

Apply the oxygen source loosely if the SPO2 decreases during the procedure.

Use surgical asepsis to remove and clean the inner cannula.

Clean the outer cannula surfaces in a circular motion from the stoma site outward.


A very clumsy patient stepped off their deck and sprained their right ankle while holding a steak knife, and during the fall they stabbed their left thigh. Using her knowledge of perfusion, the charge nurse instructs the patient to elevate their right ankle but keep their left thigh at heart level or lower. Why?

The sprained ankle will be prone to swelling, so it will be helpful to decrease perfusion to the area by elevating the ankle above the heart.

The stab wound to the thigh runs a risk of infection and will need to rebuild tissue. To best heal this injury the patient will want to increase perfusion to the area. This will bring WBCs to defend against infection and needed proteins to make new tissue.


Does the patient's safety supersede the safety of the nurse?

There is no right answer!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Follow facility protocols

Document everything

Cover yourself at all time