The once "ninth planet" from the sun, it is now a dwarf planet.
What is Pluto?
This green frog who started in the Muppets has since been very popular in the meme world.
This show features characters such as Patrick, Sandy, and Mr. Krabs.
This type of fish has long whiskers and a name of two animals.
What are catfish?
These mobs can break down wooden doors and have green skin.
What are zombies?
This musician created the score for Star Wars, Jaws, and Indiana Jones.
Who is John Williams?
The popular YouTube channel PewDiePie wanted this person to host his show, Meme Review, in 2019.
Ending in 2019, this show was on HBO, and was the first show in history to surpass the book series it was based on.
What is Game of Thrones?
This type of fish is pink, swims upstream to lay its eggs, and a letter is silent.
What is salmon?
This evil dimension is covered in red dirt-like substance, burning lava, and lots of deadly creatures.
What is the Nether?
This animal has over 10,000 eyes.
What is a butterfly?
This smart dinosaur was one of the first popular memes on the internet.
Who is Philosoraptor?
This show features characters such as Will, Joyce, Hopper, and Alexei.
What is Stranger Things?
This blue tang started in the movie Finding Nemo and its sequel.
Who is Dory?
This company bought Mojang, the creator of Minecraft, for $2.5 billion.
What is Microsoft?
This three letter word has two meanings, either made of wood or of flesh.
What is a bat?
This character from the Mandalorian, dubbed Baby Yoda, caused a very big controversy on the internet, after winning Meme of the Decade when it was only around for two months.
Who is The Child?
Micheal, creator of Vsauce, has his own TV show called this.
What is Mindfield?
What is bass?
This is the amount of meters you must fall to die in the game, if you are in full health.
What is 24?
This book was published in 1900 and featured characters such as the Cowardly Lion and Glenda.
What is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
Who is Goose?
This show features characters such as Tim, Arnold, and Liz.
What is the Magic School Bus?
This type of fish has no gills, a yellow color, and is popular among Americans.
These tiny, fairy-like creatures are created by an Evoker's magic.
What are the Vex?