He won't go to the store. What is the subject pronoun?
She left him at home. What is the object pronoun?
She plays basketball; he plays football. What are the pronouns?
She and He
He is very smart.
Is HE a subject or object pronoun?
She likes to throw it. What is the subject pronoun?
Him, Her, Them, Me, Us, You, It
What are 6 pronouns?
He, She, They, I, We, You, It, Him,Her, Them, Me, Us, You, It
She is going to the store. She is going to pick him up on the way there.
What are the object and subject pronouns?
She, She, Him
They went to the store, and she stayed home. What is the subject pronoun?
They & she
Her and him are subject pronouns. True or False?
They left us. It made me mad. What are the pronouns?
They, Us, Me
What are 5 subject pronouns?
He, She, They, I, We, You, It
What are 3 subject pronouns?
He, She , They, I, We, You, It
He left us at Starbucks, so now I don't like him. What is the object pronoun?
She and Him are pronouns. True or False?
We are going shopping! Would you like to join us?
What are the subjects and object pronouns?
We, You, Us
Becky went to the store without Abby. That made her really mad, so she didn't invite her to her party. What are the subject pronouns?
her, she, her, her
She went to the store with him, it was really cool. What is the object pronoun?
It, Him
It wasn't very fun at school today. Me and Brooklynn had to do lots of work. What are the object and subject pronouns?
It, Me
What is the are 5 object pronouns?
Him, Her, Them, Me, Us, You, It