Trial Rights: 5th Amendment
Trial Rights: 6th Amendment
The Trial: Part 1
The Trial: Part 2
Appeal Process

List the rights under the 5th Amendment

What is due process of law, right to remain silent, and right against double jeopardy


List the rights under the 6th Amendment

What is Right to counsel, Right to a speedy trial, Right to a public trial, Right to a jury trial, and Right to confront witnesses


Process where prospective jurors are questioned

What is jury selection


The prosecutor approached the jury box while describing all the evidence he had presented against the defendant and explained how that evidence proved the defendant was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

What is a closing statement


 courts that hear appeals on decisions made by the trial courts

What are the appellate courts


defendant’s right to fair and neutral criminal proceedings

What is the right to due process of law


The defendant cannot afford to hire a lawyer, so the court appoints a public defender to represent him

What is the right to counsel


Jury members are transported by bus from the courthouse to a hotel at the end of each day until the trial is concluded.

What is sequester


The defendant was convicted of felony robbery

What is a verdict


request asking for a review of the trial court’s decision

What is an appeal


The defendant chose not to testify during his trial

What is right to remain silent


The defense requested that the prosecutor’s motion for continuance be denied so the trial may begin as soon as possible.

What is the right to a speedy trial


The defense attorney explains to the jury how the prosecution’s evidence will be unable to prove the defendant committed grand theft

What is the opening statement


jurors cannot agree on a verdict

What is a hung jury

The appellate court reviews the briefs submitted and affirms the judge’s decision.  The conviction stays

What is affirm


The prosecutor found new evidence against a defendant already tried and found not guilty.  He cannot charge the defendant for the same crime again, even with this new evidence.

what is double jeopardy


The defendant’s friends showed support and sat behind the defendant during his trial.

What is the right to a public trial


The defense enters a lab report on blood found at the scene of the crime into evidence

What is the presentation of evidence


The judge gives the punishment of two years in prison immediately after the jury returns with a guilty verdict.

What is sentencing


After reviewing both briefs, the appellate court found errors. The verdict was changed from guilty to not guilty.

What is reverse


The attorney told a worried defendant that he would not be sent to prison for a minor traffic violation.  He will likely only be ordered to pay a fine

What is right to due process


The defense attorney questions the prosecutor’s expert witness’ explanation of the victim’s cause of death

What is the right to confront witnesses


The defense attorney asks questions to the witness that the defense attorney asked to come to court.

What is direct examination


A juror discusses the case with other jurors during a court recess

What is a mistrial


The appellate court sends the case back to the lower court for it to be retried, advising the lower court to avoid the legal mistake previously made.

What is remand