Motion and Forces
Waves and EM

How far has a student travelled if their speed changed from 10m/s to 20m/s at an acceleration of 3 m/s2? (include units)

x = (v^2-u^2)/(2*a)

50 m


List 5 different energy stores

Nuclear, Tension, thermal, chemical, gravitational, kinetic


Order the wavelengths from shortest wavelength to longest.

Visible light, microwave, x-ray, ultraviolet, infrared, gamma, radio

gamma, x-ray, UV, visible, IR, micro, radio


List 2 sources of background radiation and the instrument we use to detect them

Geiger-muller tube

Any from: rocks, Sun, buildings, food, nuclear waste, power stations medical, water, radon, cosmic rays


Is our model of the Solar System geocentric or heliocentric?



If a student is walking around in a circle at a constant pace, what happens to their speed and velocity?

Their speed stays the same while their velocity constantly changes.


State the energy stores and transfers involved in turning on an electric fan.

chemical > electric > kinetic (Also thermal and sound)


State a use and a danger of gamma rays.

Used in medicine/sterilizing.

Can cause death or cancer.


How does an atom release light waves?

Electrons are excited to higher shells. When they return to their normal orbit, they release EM waves.


How is the mass of an astronaut different on Earth vs on the moon?

It's the same


Which of the following graphs represents a car travelling on a motorway with cruise control on.

top  middle or bottom right


Use the Sankey diagram to describe why the CFL has a higher energy rating. Be specific.

4 times as much usable energy.


The distance between the Earth and Sun is 1.5x1011m.

Light takes 500 s to travel from the Sun to the Earth

The wavelength of red light is 670 nm.

Calculate the frequency of red light.

4.5x1014 Hz


Fill in the blanks

99, 43


Describe how a main sequence star stays stable.

Gravity pulls everything inwards, nuclear fusion expands it outwards. This balances.


An ice skater pushes harder with his leg muscle, then he begins to move faster. Which law? and why?

2nd, because an increase in force increases acceleration


Explain why an insulated thermos can both keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot.

Creates a system which minimizes heat transfer (either way)


Explain how a radiowave is created

Oscillation of electrons in a wire produces radiowaves


Why hasn't nuclear fusion become the main source of energy for the UK? Be specific.

not feasible. Need incredibly high pressure and heat to overcome electrostatic forces between positive nuclei.


What does a greater red shift in spectra mean for a galaxy system? How do we know this?

Greater red shift means its further away as there has been more time for the waves to spread out on its journey.


What is meant by the term 'inelastic collision' in terms of energy and momentum?

KE is lost, momentum is conserved.


Calculate the height of a ball if it is has a velocity of 10 m/s just before impact.

G= 10m/s2



5 m


When white light crosses the boundary between air and glass, it can split into the colours of the spectrum. Explain, in terms of speed, why the light behaves like this.

Colours have different wavelengths. Different wavelengths travel at different speeds and so refract by different amounts.


Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5700 years. The number of C-14 atoms in a piece of wood is found to have decreased from 1'000'000 to 125'000. Determine the age of the wood.

17100 years


Explain why the Steady State Theory was accepted in the 50s as well as why it is no longer accepted as the leading theory.

Red Shift proved that the universe was expanding. However, CMBR show the the universe started from 1 origin.