Touching Spirit Bear
Touching Spirit Bear again
Even more Touching Spirit Bear
I'm sick of Touching Spirit Bear
I've had enough of Touching Spirit Bear

Where is Cole being sent, and why is he being sent there?

Cole is being sent to an island in southeast Alaska as a punishment for violently beating up Peter Driscall, the boy who reported to police that Cole robbed and ransacked a hardware store. He has accepted banishment as an alternative to being put in prison.


What dance did Cole do first? What does Cole learn from this?

The Whale dance. He, like the whales, does not have a real home. He and the whales are alike.


While on the island, how does Cole know his mother cares about him?

His mother calls Garvey to ask how Cole is.


How does Cole feel about banishment as a punishment?

Cole sees it as a way of avoiding being put in prison, although others think he is doing it because he feels sorry for what he has done

Describe the Spirit Bear.

Spirit Bear lives off the coast of British Columbia. It is a special breed of black bear that is pure white, and has pride, dignity, and honour.


Peter asks Garvey to not accompany Cole to the pond. Why does he do this?

At first, it appears that Peter may be looking to offer forgiveness to Cole, but he instead tries to start a fight with him.


Why do Garvey and Edwin want to help Cole?

They want to earn redemption for past mistakes.


What is Circle Justice?

Circle Justice is a healing contract to help correct the wrong done by a criminal. The objective is to heal, not punish.


Cole discovers a large piece of driftwood along the beach and realizes that there are two possible uses for it. What are they?

He could either carve a totem pole out of it, or turn the log into a canoe to escape


Why does Cole throw out the hair he pulled from Spirit Bear?

He feels that he always had to prove himself when he was lying, and from now on he wants his word to be proof enough.


What does Garvey leave with Cole when he first gets to the island? What must he do with it?

At.oow – a blanket handed down through the generations in his family. Cole must take care of it, and hand it down to someone he trusts in the future


What is Cole’s idea to cure Peter’s depression? How does Edwin react to this suggestion?

Cole suggests that Peter should stay on the island to learn what he learned during his time there. Edwin is at first reluctant, but warms up to the idea when he sees how sincere Cole is in his desire to help Peter.


Why does Cole roll the ancestor rock down the hill?

He's getting rid of his anger.


Describe Cole’s plan to escape the island. What happens?

Since Cole had taken swimming lessons, he plans on swimming from island to island until a boat picks him up.

The tide pulls him back to the island.


What does Cole say he would do to Spirit Bear? What does Edwin tell him?

Cole says he would kill it, and Edwin warns him that whatever he does to the animals, he does to himself.


Why is it significant that Cole whispers “My fault!” when Garvey apologizes for getting Cole into this situation?

It shows that Cole is accepting responsibility and not blaming others.


Edwin teaches Cole a way to calm down when he's angry. What is it?

Sit in freezing water and try not to think.


What does Cole accuse his father of in the Circle? How does his father respond?

Cole accuses his father of beating him, but his father claims he only gave him “swats” when he deserved them.

Edwin is a part of which Native American tribe?



What weapon does Cole create and how does he make it? What does he intend to use it for?

He creates a spear out of a sapling by sharpening one end with his charred knife blade. He intends to use it to kill Spirit Bear.


At the beginning of the book, why does Cole want to kill the Spirit Bear?

The bear isn't afraid of Cole.


Cole states he would rather be in a prison cell than on the island. What are his reasons?

On the island, he was alone, powerless, and without food or warmth. In a prison cell, he felt he was in control and had others worrying about him.


What does Cole learn about forgiveness?

Cole is in control if he forgives someone.


At the novel's end, what is the last picture to be carved into Cole's totem?

A circle.


How is Cole’s second trip to the island being funded?

Cole has had to sell all of his personal belongings, such as his dirt bike, snowmobile, bicycle, skis, and helmet