Team Boyle
The District
Team Boyle
In The House
Rep. Boyle
Team Boyle

This staffer worked for newstations in Philadelphia, Denver, and Fargo, ND.

Who is Sean?


_____ is an American newspaper in Philadelphia that primarily targets the Northeast Philadelphia community.

What is The Northeast Times?


____ is a dual Swiss citizen and the oldest of 7.

Who is Naomi?


The oldest standing committee in the House.

What is the Committee on Ways and Means?

Originally created as a select committee in the 1st Congress on July 24, 1789. It became a standing committee in the 4th Congress (1795–1797).


_____, who served six terms representing the first Congressional district of Minnesota, was the congressman coach for the Congressional football game.

Who is Tim Walz?

____ has a four-year-old lab named Marley.

Who is Jordan?


This staffer previously worked in the White House.

Who is Jose?


The majority of homes in Northeast Philadelphia are classic ____.

What are Philadelphia brick row homes?


____ has worked for two members of Congress and has been the head of Philadelphia's 25th Democratic ward for 30 years. 

Who is Tommy?


The first woman elected to the House of Representatives?

Who is Jeannette Rankin?

 (Montana in 1916)


During his time at Notre Dame, the Congressman called a play-by-play for this sport, which has 11 national championships for the Fighting Irish.

What is football?


This staffer was born in Rome but raised in Massachusetts.  

Who is Gianluca?


This staffer had an unwanted visitor when a copperhead snake fell into their canoe during their time teaching canoeing at a camp.

Who is Michele?


Formerly home to Liberty Bell Park Racetrack, ____ is the second-largest mall in Pennsylvania.

What is Philadelphia Mills (Franklin Mills)?


A Rite-Aid stands where ____'s childhood home used to be.

Who is Jim?


Having no Senate equivalent, Members of the House can formally introduce legislation by using this.

What is the Hopper?

The term hopper, initially described the act of leaping evolved to refer to the the way grain would “hop” around as it was poured into the grain machine and grist for the mill, like legislation was refined over time into a more perfected product (flour).


The Congressman can speak a little of this language, which has a 21-letter alphabet.

What is Italian?

The Italian alphabet, which derives from the Latin one, contains only 21 letters, being j, k, w, x, and y not included in it.  


______  played ice hockey for over ten years competitively through high school.

Who is Scott?


This staffer had their first plane ride at 23.

Who is Alec?


PA-2 has one of the largest _____ populations of any district in the country.      

What is foreign-born?


This staffer comes from a law enforcement family.

Who is Erin?


Since 1904, the cafeterias at the United States House of Representatives have served what kind of soup on a daily basis.

What is bean soup?


During his 2008 campaign, when first elected to the state legislature, his opponent was bitten by a ____. An animal that has three eyelids, this third eyelid clears visibility in the front of the eye, acting as a "windshield-washer" of sorts.

What is a dog?


____, ____, and _____ share a love for cooking and do not suffer from Mageirocophobia, an extreme fear of cooking. 

Who are Kevin, Gianluca, and Jordan?


This staffer is a certified scuba diver and an FCC-licensed radio operator. 

Who is Jacob?


PA-2 has the lowest ___ of any district in Pennsylvania.

What is household income?


This staffer has lived in the Phila metro area their entire life and is the 5th of 8 children.

Who is Carl?


Though traditionally held by an elected Member, this House position can be held by anyone chosen by the House and does not have to be a House Member.

What is the Speaker of the House?


This year marks 20 years since the Congressman's first campaign, which he ran at age __.

What is 27?


Together, these two staffers have over 20+ years of experience teaching.

Who are Michele & Sean?