EOC (Environment of Care)
Critical Issues Book/Log
Group Home/Vans

For each person served with a special diet, there must be a separate one of these

What are menus?


Book where drugs/medications administered to a person served are recorded

What is the MAR/Medication Administration Record?


Form that must be used for all purchases using Bancroft funds

What is the tax exempt form?


This type of critical issue must be documented daily until the issue is resolved

What are facilities/maintenance critical issues?


There must be one of these on top of all bedroom and bathroom doors

What is a penny or other tool?

Another name for the EOC book

What is the light blue book?


Medications that can be purchased without a prescription

What are OTC (over the counter) medications?


Must be filled out on a monthly basis, usually in an Excel or Spreadsheet document

What is a financial ledger?


Plans that every staff member must be trained and signed off on before working at a group home (3 kinds)

What are the EEP (emergency evacuation plan), Treatment/Support Plans and Behavior Plans?


All open food items/containers must be stored properly (i.e. in a ziploc bag or tupperware).  There is something else that we need to do to make sure it is stored properly.

What is dating/labeling open food items?


Theses types of meetings are only necessary if the individuals in the group home are verbal and can express their wants/needs

What are House Meetings?


Law which states 911 must be called for any life-threatening emergency

What is Danielle's Law?


The weekly amount Bancroft allots for groceries for each SEPARATE individual

What is $50?


These critical issues must be documented & highlighted in the CIL (there are 3!)

What are health concerns?

What are PRNs?

What are medical appointments?


This machine must be cleaned out after each use to prevent buildup and possible fires

What is the dryer/dryer lint trap?


The frequency with which Disaster Simulation Drills must be completed

What is a bi-monthly basis?


Right person, right medication, right dose, right route, right time

What are the Five Rights of Medication Administration?


The amount of days an individual can have more than $100 cash on hand before it is considered a citation

What are 2 days?


This document must match up with the staff listed in the Critical issues log for each shift, and should be updated as necessary

What are staff schedules?


Each person served's bedroom must have at least one of each of these 3 items

What are mirrors, night stands, and dressers?


The amount of times each egress should be used throughout the year when conducting fire drills

What is 6 times (for homes with 2 egresses)?

What is 4 times (for homes with 3 egresses)?


These medications must be available in the OTC box at all times (name at least 6)

What are Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), Guaifensin (Robitussin) cough syrup, Polysporin, Benadryl, Sunscreen and Balmex?


If a person served is funded by the state of NJ (DCF/DDD), the funds received go into this type of account on a monthly basis

What is a PNA (personal needs account)?


Each EEP (emergency evacuation plan) must have at least 2 of these listed in the plan

What are egresses?


These items must be present in each van (name at least 4)

What are first aid kits, reflectors, safety manuals, fire extinguishers, handicap placards, registration cards & insurance cards?