Brain Health
Bone/joint/muscle health
exercise limitations/adverse outcomes

Name three treatment options for mental health conditions 

self help (coping, new skills, changing behaviors)


group support 




define osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and sarcopenia 

osteoporosis: low bone mass, structural deterioration, increased bone fracture risk

osteoarthritis: loss of articular cartilage, joint pain and joint dysfunction 

sarcopenia: muscle atrophy, loss of muscle mass 


Classify the individual: A man who has a BMI of 25 and a body fat percentage of 20%. 

optimal -- body fat percentage is used over BMI 


Name 2 reasons why we focus on weight as an indicator of health

- societal beliefs than thinner and more muscular is healthier 

- easy to measure and see

- weight loss makes PA easier and lowers risk of disease 


Create an exercise goal using the FITT variables and incorporating SMART principles. 

frequency, intensity, type, time 

specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time 


Which option is incorrect? Acute bouts of PA can...

a. improve how fast you can fall asleep 

b. improve total sleep time 

c. affects how quickly you wake up 

d. all of the above are correct

D -- all of the above are correct

acute bouts of PA can improve how fast you fall asleep, total sleep times, and how quickly you wake up

habitual bouts of PA are associated with better overall sleep quality 


True or False: Sarcopenia is a disease that affects younger individuals. Explain your answer. 

Sarcopenia is NOT a disease, and it influences functional health 

A risk factor for sarcopenia is old ago, so it does not often affect younger individuals 


A researcher wants to measure obesity rates in the state of Illinois. What measure of body fat should they use? Explain your answer 

a. MRI                       b. bod pod 

c. BMI                       d. DXA

C -- BMI 

this is the only population metric that can be used 


True or False: an increase in exercise can indirectly cause weight gain. Explain

True -- your body could crave more nutrients, you might overestimate the amount of calories that you're expending...


Determine what kind of factor (predisposing, enabling, reinforcing) goes with each scenario. Then determine whether these are facilitators or barriers. 

- I didn't work out today because the gym was closed for renovation 

-  I worked out today because I felt confidence in my ability to run 2 miles

- I didn't work out today because my friends wanted to go out to lunch instead and I didn't want to miss out 

- enabling -- barrier 

- predisposing -- facilitator (provide a term for this example)

- reinforcing -- barrier 


Provide an example of monotherapy, augmentation therapy, and adjunct therapy for brain health 

mono: only being prescribed PA to fix an issue 

aug: PA coupled with another prescription to fix a problem 

adj: a different prescription to fix problem, included PA to help with other life aspects  


What is NOT a contributing factor to osteoarthritis? 

a. genetic predisposition      b. obesity 

c. history of fractures          d. muscle weakness 

C - history of fractures 

History of fractures is a nonmodifiable risk factor for osteoporosis


Name 3 contributors to an obesogenic environment and explain how they contribute. 

- sleep debt

- decreased smoking rates

- ambient temperature

- technology

- pharmaceuticals

- economic insecurity 

- cognitive demand 


Create a scenario that has a combination of negative activity, environmental, and individual risk factors for exercise. 

 Activity: high impact activities, risk increasing with intensity, high injury rate

Environment: weather, traffic, surface

Individual: age, anatomical factors, history of injury, fitness/skill level 


Explain what this statement means: Functional health impacts role ability. 

What are some ways functional health can be improved upon? 

Role ability is one's capability to perform acts of daily living. An individual has poor functional health if they cannot perform these acts. 

Tai chi, moderate walking, and balance training all help with functional health 


What are the 4 intervention types of the spectrum of interventions? Describe the different populations that would be targeted in each intervention. 

Health Promotion and Prevention: population based, people who don't have risk factors, preventative 

Early Intervention: people who already experiencing risk factors of depression or anxiety 

Active Intervention/Treatment & Recovery/Maintenance: people have condition like depression 


Describe two ways that physical activity can reduce risk for osteoporosis 

- exercising can help reduce degree to which bone mineral density drops

- exercising can help create a greater overall peak in bone mineral density 


John is 14 years old and both of his parents are obese. He has a fast metabolism and is from a low income neighborhood. John does not meet the PA guidelines. How many risk factors for obesity does John have? 

3 -- heredity, low socioeconomic status, and physically inactive 


Define DOMS (what does it stand for and what is it) and describe treatment for this. 

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness 

microscopic muscle tears from novel exercise 

treatment includes rest, light activity or stretching 



Julia walks at 3 MET for 30 min 2x/week and run at 6 MET for 15 min 4x/week. How many weekly MET hours is Julia achieving? 

9 MET hours 


What are three ways that PA can be a mechanism for improved brain health? 

physiological: cerebral capillary growth, increased cerebral activity 

biomechanical: fitness improvments, balance, stability, mobility 

psychological: self esteem and self-efficacy 


Katie is 55 years old and has a BMI of 18. Her dad has osteoporosis and she does not meet the physical activity guidelines. How many risk factors does Katie have? 

5 -- female, age, underweight, family history, physically inactive 


Rank these terms -- weight stability, weight loss maintenance, weight loss -- from least to most amount of PA they require. Then describe how many MET hours are required for each one. 

weight stability, weight loss, prevention of weight regain 

- weight stability: 13-25 hours 

- weight loss: greater than 26 MET hours 

- prevention of weight regain: greater than 30 MET hours per week 


True or False: Active individuals are at a high risk of injury when engaging in PA and sports in comparison to non-active individuals. 

False -- graph on lecture slides shows non-active individuals are at higher risk 


Which individual has the highest likelihood of having a cardiac event? 

a. sedentary person during rest 

b. active person during exercise 

c. active person during rest 

d. none of the above 

B -- an active individual during exercise has the highest risk 

However, an active individual at rest has a significantly lower risk of a cardiac event than a sedentary person.