What do you do if the patient starts crying?

 I let him vent out, then when they have regained composure, we can carry on.


What is patient line?

Patient Line is a service that allows patient to contact their healthcare facility with the assistance of an interpreter.


What do you do if the patient uses profanity?

We repeat what the patient is saying exactly as it is being heard to respect his autonomy.


What happens if a provider's colleague what to take over the interpreting.

I will ask who will be responsible for interpreting the session.

if the other person will do so:

Due to nature of the session and to comply with the federal laws in session 1557 of the affordable care act, I recommend using a professional medical interpreter. I will be happy to interpret the session for you.

If they insist:

I understand. Unfortunately, I will have to disconnect from the session.


What is the difference between "Patient line" and a "regular call"?

In the patient line is the patient him/herself who originated the call and there is no provider nor operator in the line, in the other hand, a regular call is originated by a provider or operator.


Interpreter, what are the pieces of information required to place an outbound call?

Patient's name.

Patient's phone number.

message if I reach a voicemail

and how to introduce the provider.


What are the steps you take in a Patient line call?

1. I read the script in the special notes appearing on screen and collect the information within the script.

2. call the facility or provider using the phone number in the notes.

3. I introduce myself and the patient to the person who answer from the other end and continue with the session as usual.


Interpreter: "can you hang up the call, get back in, and then introduce yourself with the standard greeting including the billing questions (Cost center and patient's MRN)."

Open answer.


How do you end the session?

I may ask: "Is there anything else I may assist you with?"

If they say no: "great, thank you for using our service!" and say the same in the patient's language.

But if they yes I need you to help to contact another patient: then I stay and help them placing the outbound call.


What are the types of transfers available in IWS?

Open Transfer and New Session Transfer. We have Direct Transfers, but the operators are the only ones who can make them.


If your shift just ended, and the call is still on-going, what type of transfer do you make?

An Open transfer


What would you do if a patient asks you to call a different phone number than the one in the notes when on a patient line call?

Kindly explain we are not authorized. We can suggest the following: "You can call the healthcare facility directly and ask for an interpreter once you get connected."


If the provider asks you to wait on the line, what script do you use?

I ask: "Would you prefer I disconnect after a specific amount of time or hold until you return?". After the provider answers I will share the information with the patient. And ask the provider if he can turn the device facing the wall.


What do you do if the patient wants to speak directly with the provider?

I can remain in the line if they require further assistance on clarifying, supporting or taking over the interpreting.


What would you do if you are having a system failure?

I will inform the provider, refresh the platform and if that doesn't help, I will make an Open Transfer and fill out a Technical Report.


If a provider asks you to call a patient, what questions you need to ask first?

We need to ask the provider for the name and phone number of the patient, how would you like to be introduced and if you would like to leave a voicemail.


What would you do if the provider wants a family member of the patient to interpret for them?

We explain: "Due to the nature of the session and to comply with the federal laws, we recommend using a professional interpreter". If they refuse our services, we kindly explain we cannot remain on the line to monitor another interpreter: "In this case, I must end the session. Please call us back if needed and we will be happy to assist you."


If the provider asks you to wait on the line for 8 minutes, what do you do?

I ask the provider: "Would you prefer I disconnect after 8 minutes or hold until you return?" After the provider answers I will share the information with the patient. If the provider doesn't come back in 8 minutes I will inform the patient: "The provider requested I disconnect after 8 minutes of holding. As soon as they are ready, they can call back and we will be happy to assist them." I will then fill out an Operational Report


What would you do if the provider tells you he is having technical issues and is upset?

I will advise him to refresh the platform, if that doesn't help I will advise them contact CST by saying: "I apologize for the incovenience. The best option is contact our Customer Success Team. They can assist with more information or a solution. Let me give you their phone number: 855-663-1231. And their email address: lscs@amnhealthcare.com"


What would you if a police officer requires your assistance and tells you it is an emergency?

We inform the police officer we are required to ask for permission before interpreting for him. We then ask the medical personnel for permission on interpreting for law enforcement professional. If we get a "yes" we need to obtain the name and position for the operational report and continue with the session. If permission is not granted, we inform the police officer that due to facility policies we are not allowed to interpret for him. We suggest him to contact a local interpreter or contact the onsite language access coordinator if he needs more assistance.


What tool do you use if you call a pharmacy, and the answering machine is asking you to press a number to move on?

The keypad.


What would you do if you notice the provider and patient are having a misunderstanding?

I would intervene by saying: "This is the interpreter speaking: I notice there is a misunderstanding/mistake made". And clarify the situation to ensure clear understanding.


If the provider asks you to wait on the line but steps out too quickly, what do you do?

For QA purposes, I need to ask: "Would you prefer I disconnect after a specific time or hold until you return?". I will inform the patient we will be hold until the provider comes back. I will wait for 10 minutes and refresh the hold every 5 minutes. If the provider doesn't come back, I will inform the patient I will be disconnecting the call and leave an Operational Report


What would you do if you are having technical issues but the provider and patient can't hear you?

I will use the Digital Whiteboard to inform both parties that I will refresh the platform. If that doesn't help I will inform them I will transfer the call and make a Technical Report


How do you maintain impartiality if a session goes against your own beliefs/ideals/principles?

By remaining professional and unbiased, faithfully conveying the message as it is being heard