Part 1 & 2
Part 3 & 4
Part 5
Part 6 & 7
Prefixes and Suffixes

What are words that have opposite meanings?

What is antonym? 


Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and biography are all example of what?

What is genre? 


Where are prefixes placed when modifying a word?

What is at the beginning of the word?


What is the author's attitude toward the writing. 

Context clues                       Figurative language 

Tone                                    Denotation 

What is tone? 


Prefixes are at the _________ of a word.

Suffixes are at the _________ of a word.

What is beginning and end? 


The graceful dancer always lands on her feet.

Graceful has what type of connotation? 

What is positive? 


Everyone at school is a Steelers fan is an example of what?

What is generalization. 


What is the vantage point in which a story is told?

What is its point of view? 


This is placed at the end of a word to change its meaning.

What is a suffix?

What prefix means not or no?

Pre           Inter

Non          micro

What is non? 


'Apples are an awesome snack' is an example of what type of figurative language? 

What is alliteration? 


'The leaves skipped across the lawn' is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is personification? 


'She eats like a bird' is an example of what type of figurative language? 

What is a simile? 


Give an example of synonyms. (Must be at least 3 words!)

Answers will vary. 


Give two examples of words that use the prefix 'dis'.

Answers will vary. 
What is fluency? 

What is the clear, easy written or spoken expression of ideas. When reading aloud your fluency involves no stuttering, awkward pauses, mispronunciations, and not reading too fast or to slow. 


How do you make an inference? (Hint: AU) 

What is you make an inference based off the information provided by the author and your prior knowledge to make an educated guess. 


What point of view is the following passage written in?

"You feel your heart race, and the air around you seems to crystalize. But the only way forward is to move your feet."

How did you know?

What is second person? I knew this because the narrator is addressing 'you' the reader. 

"Be careful what you wish for" is an example of what literary term?

What is theme? 


What suffix is a past participle?

ly               en

or              ible

What is en? 


What are the two types of evidence and explain both of their meanings. 

What is...

Explicit- information that is clearly expressed, "right there" in the passage.

Implicit- not plainly expressed, in your own words, inferences. 


What are the three types of irony and explain each ones meaning. 

What is 

Verbal- irony used in conversation, such as sarcasm 

Situation- when the outcome of a situation is the opposite of what you expect

Dramatic- when the reader knows something that the characters in the story do not


What are the three types of point of view and what are some of the key words for each.

What is...

First person- I, me, we, us, my

Second person- you

Third person- he, she, they, them


What is an adjective that describes a character in a literary text? 

What is a trait? 


The suffix 'less' means what?

What is 'lack of'?