Words With PACE
What's Your PACE Base IQ?
There's no "I" in team... except for IDT.
Super Fun Quality Time!
Cool Coffee Cups
Patients are known as this in PACE
What is Participant?
PACE eligibility consists of these four things.
What is an age of 55 or older, a nursing facility level of care, resides in the PACE service area, and is able to live safely within the community?
These 11 disciplines make up the IDT.
Who are Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Recreational Therapy, Social Work, Dietician, Participant Center Manager (or Aide), Nursing, Transportation Manager, In-Home Services Manager, PCP, and Executive Director?
Federal regulations require PACE to develop, implement, and maintain this super fun data-driven program!
What is QAPI (Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement)?
This "foodie" likes her fruit in liquid form.
Who is Amee Truman?
An admission and a discharge is known as ____ and ____.
What is an enrollment and a disenrollment?
The PACE model is centered on the belief of this.
What is "That it is better for the well-being of seniors with chronic care needs to be served in the community whenever possible"?
These disciplines are responsible for completing semi-annual (6 month) reassessments on participants.
Who are the Physician, Clinic RN, Social Worker, and Recreational Therapist. (can include other disciplines as determined by the IDT)
PACE is required to regularly report specific data elements to CMS and the State Medicaid Authority, including Level One Requirements - name 4.
What is Routine Immunizations, Grievances and Appeals, Enrollments, Disenrollments, Prospective Enrollees, Readmissions, Emergency or Unscheduled Care, Unusual Incidents, or Death.
This team member doesn't sew Halloween costumes... or anything else for that matter
Who is Julie Sparks?
An aide (or CNA) is known as this.
What is a Participant Center Aide?
Name 5 services that PACE provides.
What are Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Recreation Therapy, Transportation, Home Care, Social Services, Nutrition Services, Clinical Services, Prescription Drugs...
These 6 team members are designated to the "outing team" and will assign each participant an outing level based off their ambulation, cognition, toileting needs and fall risk.
Who are the Recreational Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Transportation, Center Manager, and RD.
Serious incidents, designated as Level Two, must be reported to CMS and the State Medicaid Agency within this time period.
What is 48 hours?
This team member showed up two days late for her job, and somehow is still employed.
Who is Lindsay Bennett?
Participants with Alzheimer's can be found here in the PACE center.
What is the Memory Support Room?
In order to provide services, PACE partners with these two entities.
What is CMS and the state Medicaid agency?
This team member manages the daily operations of the day rooms and oversees the participant aides.
Who is the Participant Center Manager?
FOCUS-PDSA is just one of the amazing and incredibly helpful tools for performance improvement. After FOCUS, these actions are taken to complete the fun that is problem analysis.
What are Plan, Do, Study, Act?
Orcs, Hobbits, and Wizards OH MY! This team member knows a spell that can make you fly.
Who is Becky Elmitt?
This group consists of participants and staff, working together to improve the PACE organization.
What is the Participant Advisory Committee?
Congress authorized PACE as a permanent Medicare provider and Medicaid state option in this Act of 1997.
What is the Balanced Budget Act?
The Transportation Supervisor is required to have these two licenses.
What are a State Driver's License and a Commercial Driver's License?
This amazing and super exciting process is used to identify the reasons for any variations in performance.
What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?
****************DOUBLE JEOPARDY**************** These 2 team members missed school to watch soap operas, ____ pretended to be sick and stayed home all day while ____ snuck home during lunch and recess.
Who are Tabitha Scott and Jessica Burt?