who was Konai married to
randy thaman
What animal was Albert Wendt poem about ?
A bat
What did the Pacific islanders use to guide themselves in the ocean
Stars, wind, and waves
What was one of the schools Konai attended?
tonga high school
Wesleyan primary school
In his poem, what does Wendt say he wants to do to the creature?
He wants to catch it and eat it
What is it called when they are preparing food for a feast
which Poeat received the NZ Order of Merit?
Albert Wendel
Why didn't anyone know about Konai's abusive husband?
He seemed like a good citizen(provided feasts for his church, supporter of women's rights, etc)
what activities relate to the Pacific islander's culture?
What was Albert Wendt known as? (nicknames)
Forefather of Pacific literature or Godfather of Oceanic Literature
How does Wendt describe the creature in the poem?
A deflated black umbrella.
what is the purpose of their dances?
To tell stories about there ancestors and gods