What is the first Cub Scout Rank that can be earned?
Where is the Pack going for Spring Camp this year?
This hero swings from web.
This ceremony is where new Cubs place their finger print to become a part of the Pack.
Bobcat Ceremony
What is the belt loop first adventure all Cub Scouts should earn each year?
The Bobcat
The name for a small group of Cub Scouts in the same grade.
Name one of the Pack hikes so far this year.
Switzer Falls and Inspiration Point
This hero uses a hammer as a weapon
An annual race.
The Pinewood Derby or Rain Gutter Regatta
Describe a brag patch and where it goes on the uniform.
A brag patch is a patch that was earned through attending a campout or completing a lesson. A brag patch is worn on the right shirt pocket.
Belt loops.
Where did the Pack go for Survival Camp this year?
Lake Cachuma
This hero's powers are activated when he is angry.
The Hulk
Bridging Ceremony
What rank is between Tiger and Bear?
An item worn around a Cubs neck.
Pack 461 held its first annual ____________ last November at El Dorado Park.
Fishing Derby
The First Avenger.
Captain America or Steven Rogers
What is the name of the best Campout in Cub Scouting that Pack 461 hosts every year.
Survival Camp
Where does a Cub go after the Cub Scout Program?
A Scout Troop
Cub Scout Motto
Do your best!
Where did the Pack go for Winter Camp this year?
Camp Emerson
This super villain tried to destroy half the life in the universe.
Name 1 community event Pack 461 regularly attends in the summer.
Lindberg Park 4th of July Party, Culver City Car Show, and Fiesta La Ballona
When does Pack 461 hold their Rank up ceremony?
At the last Pack Meeting in May.