Show the Cub Scout Sign.
Bonus: What does it mean?
The Cub Scout sign is made with the right arm held high and straight up above the shoulder, with the index and middle fingers forming a V. The other fingers are held down by the thumb. It's the sign of Cub Scouts all over the world.
The two raised fingers stand for the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
The fingers look like the sharp ears of the wolf ready to listen to Akela! Leaders and scouts should give the Cub Scout sign when repeating the Scout Oath or the Scout Law. The sign is also used in the Living Circle and other ceremonies.
A scout tells the truth. They are honest and keep their promises. People can depend on them.
Represents the 50 states
What is the stars
Looking at maps before hiking
Know before you go
Person in charge of the Pack
Show the cub scout handshake
The Cub Scout handshake is made by putting the index and middle fingers of the right hand against the other person's wrist when shaking hands. The handshake means that each Scout will help others to remember and obey the Scout Oath and Scout Law
A scout is polite to everyone regardless of their age or position. They know using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.
These represent the 13 colonies
Red and white stripes also known as the field
Clean up after yourself
Trash your trash
Group of scouts in the same grade
Do your best
What is the Cub Scout Motto
A scout cares about other people. They happily assist others without expecting a reward.
This is what happens when a flag is worn out
It is retired
Using a designated pit
Be careful with fire
Race with wooden cars
Pinewood Derby
Show the Cub Scout Salute
The Cub Scout salute is made by joining the index and middle fingers of the right hand (holding the other fingers with the thumb) and touching them to the cap visor or forehead above the right eyebrow. The hand is held the same as for the Cub Scout sign, except the index and middle fingers are together.
The salute is used to salute the flag when in uniform--otherwise hold your right hand over your heart. It can also be used when greeting other Scouts.
A scout works to pay their way and help others. They save for the future and use their time carefully.
Where does the blue section of the flag also known as the canton go when displaying the flag?
Top left corner
Take only pictures
Leave what you find
Card that shows you've learned how to use a knife safely.
Whittling Chip
Say the Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
A scout follows the rules of their family, school, and troop. They obey the laws of their community and country.
What happens if a flag touches the ground?
It should be picked up quickly.
Being quiet and clean outdoors
Being respectful to other visitors
Sport played with balls in a pit
Gaga Ball