This station is checked, and the findings are documented weekly
What is, Eyewash Station
What does RACE stand for?
What is, Rescue, Alarm, Confine, and Extinguish
Mandatory staff training every two years
What is, No Fear Act
Sedation scale used in PACU
What is, RASS Score (Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale)
How many compressed gas cylinders may you have in a smoke zone?
What is, 12 (sum of full + in-use)
Storage rule under sinks
What is, No or Minimum storage
What does PASS stand for?
What is, Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Swipe
Mandatory staff training every three years
what is, ECATTS
It is TJC requirement to document this prior to pain medication administration.
What is, pain assessment
How must compressed gas cylinders be stored?
What is, from combustible by 20 feet (5 feet if sprinklered)
We would use anything flat, example- a coin to open what?
What is, a locked patient bathroom door
Which direction do we move patients in the event of fire?
What is, horizontally or laterally, opposite to fire at fire exit
Where do you find your unit/department SOP? Indicate specific location, name all three …
What is, SOP binder, Share drive, and PACU under DSS in WRNMMC intranet page
In addition to Neuromuscular, neurovascular and pulse assessments, what is the vital assessment for spinal anesthesia cases?
What is, Dermatome level
What is an acceptable length of time to answer an equipment alarm?
What is, immediately
This must be replaced when they are less than ¾ full.
What is, Sharp Containers
___ inches or more of open space must be maintained below the sprinkler deflector to the top of storage.
What is, 18 inches
Your CAC may not be renewed restricting your ability to work, if you do not complete these mandatory trainings
What is, annual HIPAA and Cyber Awareness training
This is how one needs to report an adverse drug event
What is, complete a PSR?
What are NPSGs? Number of NPSGs in 2024, and where they are posted in PACU?
What is, National Patient Safety Goals, eight goals for 2024, and posted above Phyxis machine, in front of Nurses' station at PACU entrance, and on Quality board adjacent to SC office
What is the recommended length or nurse pull cords in patient’s restrooms?
What is, 2 to 6 inches from floor not tied to grab bars, etc.,
Where do you find the fire officer name, contact numbers, and where it is located?
What is, Orange EPP binder; located on the wall opposite to PACU printer
As the primary advocate for the patient's safety, an RN is expected to ensure that providers are working within the scope of their defined clinical privileges and under an active medical staff appointment. Therefore, RNs shall be competent in the use of the online _________________, available through a link from WRNMMC’s Intranet Home Page.
What is, Provider Privilege Notification System (PPNS)
Inform the provider and document the same in patient’s chart if you do not find this on post-op patients’ chart in PACU.
What is, a Surg-op note
What is the other acceptable method to check negative pressure room, if work order is placed on a defective monitoring screen for an isolation room?
What is, a tissue paper method