what is St. Theresa's last name?
De Calcuta
when is her feast day?
September 5
Mother Teresa Devoted Her Life to Religion from the Age of Just 12.
How old was she when she left her home?
18 years old
how old was Padre Pio when he died?
81 years old
How old was she when she died?
87 years old
When is her birthday?
August 26
After Leaving Home at 18, She Never Saw Her Mother the next week.
How many Awards did she receive?
how many siblings did St. Gemma Galgani had?
she has 7 siblings
What is St. Theresa patron saint of...
World Youth Day, the Missionaries of Charity, and co-patron of the Archdiocese of Calcutta
When was she canonized?
September 4,2016
She Has Received More Than 120 Honors and Awards.
What year was she born?
Who was Mary's cousin
St. Elizabeth