What are UMD's official school colors?
What is Red, White, and Gold (yellow is acceptable)
How many points are required in 1 semester?
What is 3 points
What is the name of the Documentary made in the early 2000s, where Morgan Spurlock ate only McDonalds for a month to demonstrate its impact on ones health?
What is Super Size Me
What is kind of healthcare should individuals receive during pregnancy?
What is Prenatal Care
What law was signed into office in 2010, aimed at reducing uninsured rates in the US, mandating coverage of prior conditions, and creating Healthcare.gov?
What is the Affordable Care Act
What is the first name of the individual STAMP student union building is named after?
What is Adele
What does PAE Stand for?
What is Phi Alpha Epsilon
What Game of Thrones Character shares a name with a famous Public Health Figure, the Father of Epidemiology?
What is John Snow
What is the most common form of Birth Control for Women?
What is an IUD
What program created in 1965 provides health insurance coverage for people aged 65 and older, as well as some younger people with disabilities?
What is Medicare
What is the Ice Cream Shop at UMD called?
What is Maryland Dairy
How many credits must you have in order to join PAE?
What is 60 credits
What is the name of the movie from 2011 staring Matt Damon and Kate Winslet about an airborne lethal infection that rapidly became a pandemic?
What is Contagion
What is the vaccination decreasing the incidence of Cervical Cancer?
What is the HPV Vaccine
What law/Act passed in the 1970s was created to protect the nation’s air, water, and land from pollution?
What is the Clean Air Act?
Where and when do we leave offerings?
What is Testudo at Mckeldin, during Finals
What was our first event this semester?
What is the PAE Meet and Greet!
What is the name of the actor who stars in the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness", which is about a struggling salesman who fights homelessness while striving to achieve his dream of becoming a stockbroker?
Who is Will Smith
What population/demographic is most disproportionately burdened maternal mortality?
What is Black Women
What U.S. government agency created in 1970, is responsible for monitoring the safety of food, medications, and cosmetics, protects public health through regulations?
What is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
Who is UMD's Mascot?
What is Testudo the Diamondback Terrapin
When was PAE founded?
What is the Fall of 1952
In 1951, this African American woman’s cells were taken without her consent for medical research, the HeLa cells, are still used in research today. Additionally in 2017, a movie was released telling this story, what is the name of this Woman?
Who is Henrietta Lacks?
What is the name of a pregnancy outside of the Uterus?
What is an Ectopic Pregnancy
What U.S. agency is known for leading public health efforts to protect the population from diseases, is often associated with tracking and responding to outbreaks like COVID-19 and seasonal flu?
What is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)?