This type of pain is caused by nerve damage
What is neuropathy?
Hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone are all examples of
What are commonly prescribed opioid analgesics?
Heat therapy, massage, and acupuncture are examples of
What are non-pharmacological pain relief methods?
Respiratory depression and possibly death can be caused by
What is opioid overdose?
A movement to recognize and assess pain regularly is known as the "_____" vital sign
What is the 5th vital sign?
The term for pain that lasts longer than 3 months
What is chronic pain?
Opioid antagonist used to reverse overdose
What is Narcan?
External electrical stimulation device that is used to control pain
What is a TENS unit?
Kidney damage and gastric ulcers are effects of using this class of pain medicine
What are NSAIDS?
These tools assess pain using numerical ratings, visual scales, facial expressions and behavioral observations.
What are pain scales?
Pain that is associated with tissue injury and inflammation
What is nociceptive pain?
Currently the most commonly abused prescription opioid
What is hydrocodone?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, distraction and meditation are examples of
What are biofeedback approaches to pain management?
The recommended and safe way to store your controlled medications
What is a lockbox?
Runny nose, anxiety, muscle aches, increased lacrimation, diarrhea, yawning, vomiting, dilated pupils, goosebumps are all symptoms of?
What is opioid withdrawal?
This condition has classic signs of swelling, sweating, temperature, and color changes
What is complex regional pain syndrome?
Codeine, morphine and thebaine are found in the milk latex of this flower
What is the poppy?
Internally implanted device which uses electrical stimulation to reduce pain is known as
What is a spinal cord stimulator?
Increased sensitivity to pain due to prolonged opioid use
What is hyperalgesia?
A certain condition when opiates can be prescribed as needed and not subject to the CDC guideline?
What is a painful cancer diagnosis?
Pain diagnosis out of proportion to the physical exam; also known as a hypersensitivity disorder
What is fibromyalgia?
Hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone are examples of this type of opiate
What are semi-synthetic opiates?
A pump that is implanted for long term pain management that delivers medication to the intrathecal space?
What is an intrathecal pain pump?
The physiological adaptation of the body, where it becomes less responsive to a drug over time requiring higher doses
What is tolerance?
With this alternative drug therapy, the physician needs to evaluate the legal status, patient eligibility and potential drug interactions before recommending
What is medical cannabis?