Context Clues & Inferences
"Breaking Out of the Box"
"A Bountiful Billboard"
Paired Text Questions
Author's Purpose & Text Evidence

Excerpt from The Host By Stephenie Meyer

"I don't believe it not seven planets."

"At least seven. She started on the Origin."

"Really? The Origin?"

"Quiet please!" Fords interrupted. "If you cannot observe professionally and silently, then I will have to ask you to remove yourselves."

Abashed, the six students fell silent and edged away from one another.

What does the word "abashed" mean in the excerpt?

A) criticized for your actions

B) an atmosphere of surprise

C) cause to feel embarrassed

D) to attack those younger

C) cause to feel embarrassed


Read the following excerpt from "Breaking Out of the Box":

It is truly amazing what interior designers and architects can do to maximize the layout of these containers in order to add comfort to the cold metal interiors. Some modular designs include connecting several containers to increase the amount of living space. With features like solar panels and sliding glass walls, the repurposed homes are an environmentally smart practice.

Which of the following definitions best matched the use of "modular" in paragraph 2?

A) Having joints

B) Consisting of separate pieces

C) Able to be expanded

D) Being used in different modes

B) Consisting of separate pieces


The author wrote this selection most likely to —

A) reveal that water scarcity is a major issue in Peru

B) suggest that billboards are an effective way to advertise products

C) describe the process of turning moisture in the air into drinkable water

D) highlight a partnership that created an interesting solution to a problem

D) highlight a partnership that created an interesting solution to a problem


Both selections explore ideas that involve —

A) using technology to keep the environment clean

B) collaborating to solve an urban problem

C) redesigning an object to serve a new purpose

D) recycling materials that are typically considered trash

C) redesigning an object to serve a new purpose


Excerpt Ethanol Economics By David Trilling

If you’ve ever pumped gas in the United States, you’ve seen the sticker: “This product may contain up to 10 percent ethanol by volume,” declares one at a Massachusetts Shell station. Since 2005, Washington has mandated that an increasing amount of ethanol be mixed into gasoline every year, encouraging refiners and retailers with cash incentives. The U.S. now produces over 1 million barrels of ethanol a day, mainly from corn. Also known as ethyl alcohol and grain alcohol, ethanol is found in 97 percent of American gasoline. Elsewhere it’s made from sugar beets, sugar cane, and other vegetable products. Proponents argue that it’s cleaner than burning regular gasoline, that it helps wean America off imports and that it finances domestic corn farmers rather than distant oppressors. But ethanol and other biofuels are not without controversy or hype. Academic journals regularly examine trade-offs. As a 2015 study in Science noted, the shift to using corn to fuel our cars means someone is eating less: “roughly one-fifth of calories diverted to biofuels are not replaced.”

What is the author’s overall message?

A) The United States is increasing the percent of Ethanol in gas.

B) If more corn is used to make Ethanol, then there will be less to eat.

C) Ethanol is cleaner than burning gas.

D) There are both pros and cons to increasing the percent of Ethanol in gas.

D) There are both pros and cons to increasing the percent of Ethanol in gas.


Excerpt from The Iron Fey By Julie Kagawa 

Of course, my wardrobe is sadly lacking in the popular-attire department. While other girls spend hours in front of their closets crying, “What should I wear?” my drawers basically hold three things: clothes from Goodwill, hand-me-downs, and overalls. I wish we weren’t so poor. I know pig farming isn’t the most glamorous of jobs, but you’d think Mom could afford to buy me at least one pair of nice jeans. I glared at my scanty wardrobe in disgust. Oh, well, I guess Scott will have to be wowed with my natural grace and charm, if I don’t make an idiot of myself in front of him.

What does the word "scanty" mean in the passage?

A) meager

B) adequate

C) amplitude

D) quantity

A) meager


The title of the selection highlights the idea that shipping containers ---

A) are not as sturdy as people assume

B) can function in ways that are not commonly considered

C) are useful for creating large pieces of art

D) should be deconstructed before they are used for projects

B) can function in ways that are not commonly considered


Which words from paragraph 2 help the reader understand what "scant" means?

A) coastal location

B) extreme water shortage

C) even though the rainfall

D) problem could be solved

B) extreme water shortage


What is one important benefit of shipping container apartment buildings and the billboard in Lima?

A) Both inform people about an opportunity.

B) Both prevent landfills from overflowing.

C) Both provide a resource to a community.

D) Both are found in urban and rural areas.

C) Both provide a resource to a community.



Plant Based Diets and Saving Our Planet by Hannah

There was an article by the BBC about how going plant-based can fight climate change. It discusses how the world could solve so many problems by going vegetarian, especially climate change. Something I found interesting was how extreme weather has a big impact on the quality of the land and livestock sustainability. Livestock contributes to almost a quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions. It also discusses the massive amounts of food waste that shows how much we are overproducing, which also contributes to climate change. The article has a chart explaining what portions of our food contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. It states that 26% of global carbon emissions come from food. 58% of those food emissions come from animal products, and of those, 50% of animal products emissions come from beef and lamb production. The overall message of this article is that if humans want to save the planet, we must change the way we utilize our land and resources as well as our lifestyle choices.

How does the author develop the central idea that animal production is hurting the land?

A) By describing the way food production hurts plants.

B) By discussing how people can make a difference

C) By following recent studies on climate change

D) By listing the stats on global carbon emissions

D) By listing the stats on global carbon emissions


Excerpt from The King of Polar Bears by Lyman Baum

The King of the Polar Bears lived among the icebergs in the far north country. He was old and monstrous big; he was wise and friendly to all who knew him. The seals were afraid when he drew near, and tried to avoid him; but the gulls, both white and gray, loved him because he left the remnants of his feasts for them to devour. The wolves, who sometimes came as far north as the icebergs, whispered among themselves that the King of the Polar Bears was either a magician or under the protection of a powerful fairy. For no earthly thing seemed able to harm him; he never failed to secure plenty of food, and he grew bigger and stronger day by day and year by year. Yet the time came when this monarch of the north met man, and his wisdom failed him. He came out of his cave among the icebergs one day and saw a boat moving through the strip of water which had been uncovered by the shifting of the summer ice. In the boat were men. The great bear had never seen such creatures before, and therefore advanced toward the boat, sniffing the strange scent with aroused curiosity and wondering whether he might take them for friends or foes, food or carrion. When the king came near the water's edge a man stood up in the boat and with an unusual instrument pointed at him.

The reader can conclude that the -

A) king will kill the men

B) men will take over

C) king will be shot

D) king will gain more subjects

C) king will be shot


What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

A) Artists must reshape the shell of the shipping container to make sculptures.

B) Storing and moving art pieces in shipping containers are simple processes.

C) Artists see the potential of incorporating shipping containers into their art.

D) Museums are using shipping containers as galleries to share their collections.

C) Artists see the potential of incorporating shipping containers into their art.


Which sentence from the selection explains why the water produced by the billboard is significant?

A) Lima, the capital city of the South American country of Peru, is located near the Pacific Ocean in the Sechura Desert.

B) The water then flows through pipes into a storage tank at the foot of the billboard.

C) Because of the scarcity of water, one out of every 10 residents has no access to running water.

D) The water vapor in the air condenses, becoming liquid water.

C) Because of the scarcity of water, one out of every 10 residents has no access to running water.


One difference between the selections “Breaking Out of the Box” and “A Bountiful Billboard” is that “A Bountiful Billboard” —

A) focuses on a project specific to a location

B) discusses the future potential of an idea

C) compares various uses for the same material

D) expresses concerns about a new idea

A) focuses on a project specific to a location


Zombie Property By Denise-Marie Ordway

Communities around the country grapple with what to do with their vacant and abandoned buildings, which, over time, can become eyesores. Not only are dilapidated buildings ugly, but they can also hurt the value of surrounding property and become hangouts for drug dealers and the homeless. Elected leaders know they are also major barriers to revitalizing urban areas such as downtown shopping districts and low-income neighborhoods. Vacant and abandoned buildings are such serious problems that some local governments threaten steep fines if owners allow their unused buildings to fall into disrepair or become safety hazards. Some states have adopted laws to fight urban blight. For example, in 2016, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed sweeping legislation to prevent foreclosures and rehabilitate “zombie properties.” A law in Washington state that takes effect in May 2018 will allow cities to force lending institutions to maintain properties that are empty during foreclosure. Many journalists covering local governments will inevitably have to cover issues related to abandoned property and urban renewal. To help, Journalist’s Resource has gathered a sampling of research that looks at redevelopment efforts in cities such as Detroit and Cleveland as well as studies that examine how abandoned structures affect crime, property values, and public health. 

Which detail from the article

explains why communities are

worried about vacant buildings?

A) can become eyesores

B) hurt the value of surrounding property

C) major barriers to revitalizing urban areas

D) governments threaten steep fines

A) can become eyesores


Excerpt from "Coral Reef" By Readable

Coral provides shelter, a place to hide, for little fish. That many small fish in one place attracts big fish, which in turn attracts big predators like sharks. Nurse sharks will hide under ledges or in crevices of the reef and come out at night to eat dormant fish that are hiding in the coral. Nurse sharks are slow-moving bottom-dwellers, and, for the most part, harmless to humans although they can grow up to 14 feet in length. Their strong jaws allow them to crush shellfish and even coral if need be, but they prefer to eat shrimp, fish, and squid. The reef also provides a place for algae and sponges to grow. They provide food for a variety of creatures: for example, the sea turtle. The Hawksbill Sea turtle, like most other kinds of sea turtles, is endangered. Hunted for their meat and for their shells, trapped in commercial fishing nets to drown, and sickened by pollution, their populations are declining. These turtles rely on the food that grows on the coral reef and the reef, in turn, relies on the turtles. It's a partnership that benefits both creatures.

The reader can infer that -

A) many types of ocean life rely on coral reef to survive

B) coral reef are mainly occupied by predators

C) sea turtles will not be able to survive without coral

D) a variety of ocean life is becoming endangered

A) many types of ocean life rely on coral reef to survive


Which sentence from the selection supports the idea that creating structures from shipping containers is cost-efficient?

A) Shipping containers are used to haul cargo on ships, trains, and trucks.

B) One trend that has gained popularity is creating houses from retired shipping containers.

C) With all these options and new purposes, fewer shipping containers will be headed to the junkyard.

D) Urban areas and colleges that struggle to provide affordable housing have also begun to explore building container housing and work spaces.

D) Urban areas and colleges that struggle to provide affordable housing have also begun to explore building container housing and work spaces.


The organizational pattern of the selection allows the author to —

A) explain how a problem became worse over time

B) highlight the steps taken to address a specific need

C) compare different companies’ approaches to solving a problem

D) describe how the lack of a necessary resource affects the local people

B) highlight the steps taken to address a specific need


Read this sentence from “Breaking Out of the Box.”

By cutting out hallways and creatively stacking the containers, engineers are maximizing the use of the boxes.

Which sentence from “A Bountiful Billboard” is related to this idea?

A) This can supply hundreds of families with water each month.

B) They made a billboard that extracted moisture from the air and converted it into drinkable water.

C) But the citizens of Lima and other cities in arid regions around the world are hopeful.

D) Additionally, UTEC recorded a 28 percent increase in enrollment since the installation of the billboard.

B) They made a billboard that extracted moisture from the air and converted it into drinkable water.


Excerpt from Food Waste By Kelley

Food loss and food waste have become a worldwide concern in recent years due to its negative impacts on resource use, the environment, and social development. Although food loss and food waste occur throughout the whole food supply chain, from farm to table, food waste at the consumer level attracts more attention. This stage attracts more attention because if a large amount of consumer food is wasted it means all resources used in production, processing, storage, and distribution were used in vain. Besides, considering the rapid growth of the global population and the declining of the per capita availability of resources and energy for food production, food waste also intensifies the global food shortage and malnourishment. Previous studies on consumer food waste mostly look at consumption as a group and do not focus on different segments within consumption. In recent years in China, there has been increasing public awareness of food waste and campaigns against food waste (e.g., the “clean your plate” initiative); consequently, a few researchers have also made some rough estimation of the scale of food waste in China. However, none of them have reported results for schools.

Which detail supports the idea that the food waste problem will get worse in the future?

A) "Food loss and food waste have become a worldwide concern in recent years due to its negative impacts on resource use."

B) "Previous studies on consumer food waste mostly look at consumption as a group and do not focus on different segments within consumption."

C) "the rapid growth of the global population and the declining of the per capita availability of resources"

D) "In recent years in China, there has been increasing public awareness of food waste and campaigns against food waste."

C) "the rapid growth of the global population and the declining of the per capita availability of resources"