What is the name of the singer who sings the song "Wrecking Ball"?
Miley Cyrus
The four nations, names for the natural elements, are listed in the intro "Avatar:The Last Airbender"
Water. Earth. Fire. Air
What is the diameter of a basketball hoop?
18 inches
Where did the chocolate came from?
Central Mexico
Which country invented tea?
This actress stared in "The Devil Wears Prada" with Meryl Streep
Anne Hathaway
This Netflix Original holds the record for most views on the platform.
Squid Games
The olympics are held every how many years?
Facebook launched in which year?
Who wore the famous Marilyn Monroe's iconic "naked" dress at the 2022 Met Gala?
Kim Kardashian
In Fresh Prince what state does the family live?
This team is considered the oldest team in the NFL?
Green Bay Packers
George Wahington, thomas jefferson, john adams, benjamin franklin, alexander hamilton, john jay, james madison
How many eyes do bees have?
Who pushed Micheal Scott into the Koi Pond?
What does DRS stand for?
Drag Reduction System
The city where Pizza Orginated
Naples, Italy
The Evergreen cargo ship got stuck in this famous canal.
Suez Canal
In 2019, an operation named Operation Varsity Blues uncovered a criminal scheme in which parents were bribing their children's ways into top university. Which actress was involved in the scandal?
Felicity Huffman // Lori Laughin
How many seasons does Simpsons have?
This team has the longest winning streak in NBA history. *double if you know # of games in their streak
Los Angeles Lakers
How many presidents have been impeached.
How many elements are in the periodic table?