What does the letter <c> spell in cabin?
[ k ]
What does the letter <g> spell in gave?
[ g ]
useful ➙
use + ful
< g >
What does the letter <s> spell in silly?
[ s ]
What does the letter <c> spell in city?
[ s ]
What does the letter <g> spell in genuine?
[ ʤ ]
using ➙
use + ing
< g >
What does the letter <s> spell in raise?
[ z ]
What does the letter <c> spell in ocean?
[ ʃ ]
What does the letter <g> spell in postage?
[ ʤ ]
uses ➙
use + es
< s >
What does the letter <s> spell in vision?
[ ʒ ]
What does the letter [c] spell in cello?
[ ʧ ]
What does the letter <g> spell in beige?
[ ʒ ]
abusive ➙
ab + use + ive
< z >
What does the letter <s> spell in use?
[ s ] or [ z ]
What does the letter <c> spell in indictment?
Nothing at all.
It's zeroed.
What does the letter <g> spell in sign?
Nothing at all.
It's zeroed.
usually ➙
use + u + al + ly
< zh >
What does the letter <s> spell in island?
It's an etymological marker.