There is an official Valentine's Day alternative for single people.
True or False?
True! International Quirkyalone Day has been celebrated on the same day as Valentine's Day since 2003.
What percent of marriages begin online?
Which flower is most associated with Valentines Day?
Which Mythology does "Cupid" come from?
Greek Mythology
Which alternative of Valentine's Day has grown in popularity in the past 10 years?
Conversation Hearts were originally used for medicine.
True or False?
True! Conversation Hearts were originally used to soothe sore throat!
What percentage of couples get married after 1 year of being together?
In order for his arrow to work, Cupid had to shoot a person on what body part?
The Heart.
How many Valentines Day cards are sent every year?
145 Million
Divorce decreases around Valentines Day!
True or False?
False! Divorce fillings increase by 40% each year around Valentine's Day.
What percentage of marriages end in divorce within the first 5 years?
22%. One out of every 5 marriages end in divorce within the first 5-8 years of marriage.
How many pounds of chocolate are bought on Valentine's Day alone each year?
58 Million Pounds!
Which Roman Saint is February 14th named after?
(Hint: It's in the name itself)
Saint Valentines
How many Roses are bought each year in the USA for Valentine's Day?
250 million roses
February is the most popular month for proposals.
True or False?
False! December is actually the most popular month for proposals, with 19% of all proposals all year round.
Who initiates divorce more than the other?
Women initiate divorce more than men. Studies show that women take up 69% of all divorce fillings each year.
Which Gift is the LEAST popular to give on Valentine's Day?
Mixtapes/ CD's. Only 13% of people show interest in this gift.
Which era was Valentine's Day thought to be originated from?
Roman Era
Besides Significant Others, Americans spend an estimated $751.3 million dollars on who?
Household Pets
60% of women in the US state that they would rather BREAK UP/DIVORCE their partners if they did not get them anything for Valentine's Day, over them forgetting their anniversary.
True or False?
True! One study shows that more than half of all women in the US would rather their partners forget their anniversary, than to not get them anything for Valentine's Day.
What percent of married adults have had atleast one affair?
60%. YIKES!
On average, How much do Men spend on Valentine's Day? How much do Women spend?
On average, Men spend about $185.71. While Women spend $75.79
Which Century did Valentines day become about Love?
(Hint: After the 12th, before the 16th)
13th Century
About how much money did Americans spend on Valentines Day in 2023?
$26 Billion Dollars