Had clubs on its tail the size of basketballs
He correctly theorized the Iguanodon
Gideon Mantell
The man that gave the name for Dinosaur
Richard Owen
The major era that we focused on
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Is debated to have neck frills
He falsy theorized the Iguanodon
Richard Owen
Dinosaur means. . .
Terrible Lizard
The three sub eras in the Mesozoic
Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous
What is the name of the Dinosaurs that Owen trained in Jurassic World?
Had three serrated claws
The names of the two men involved in the Bone Wars
Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope
The name of the supercontinent the Dinosaurs lived on
The era before the Mesozoic
What is the name of the flying reptile in Jurassic Park/World?
Pteranodon (If you said Pterodactyl then I will still give you credit)
Had a dome on its head that was 9 inches thick
The name of the girl who found a very well preserved Ichthyosaurus fossil
Mary Anning
A scavenger
The era after the Mesozoic
What is the name of the giant marine reptile that eats the shark in Jurassic World?
The middle era that the Dilophosaurus lived in
The name of the man who officially named the Megalosaurus
William Buckland
First dinosaur to appear in the Triassic
The creature that lived in the late Paleozoic
The Dimetrodon
What is the name of the hybrid in Jurassic World?
Indominus Rex