Machines & Technology
Dubai Economic Growth

A person or company who prepares a parcel of land for sale, or creates structures on that land.

What are Real Estate Developers?


A type of vessel that maneuvers other vessels by pushing or pulling them either by direct contact or by means of a tow line. They typically move vessels that either are restricted in their ability to maneuver on their own, such as ships in a crowded harbor or a narrow canal, such as: barges, disabled ships, log rafts, or oil platforms. They are powerful for their size and strongly built. 

***100 BONUS POINTS if you can name how many were used during construction.

What are tugboats?




What happened in September of 2001 that affected the Dubai tourism plan?

What is the US World Trade Center attack, which directly halted tourism to the Middle East (9/11 acceptable).


Dubai previously had a coastline of 72 kilometres long, but had a goal of 15 million tourists. The Crowned Prince built this to solve the coastline shortage problem.

What is build an island (Palm Jumeirah)?


If the island is not engineered properly, during an earthquake the sand could loose its cohesiveness and cause this phenomenon.

What is liquefaction?


These professionals define project timelines, overall plan, procure materials, and project execution. They are the first point of contact for any issues or discrepancies arising.

What are Project Managers?


A shoal-draft flat-bottomed boat, built mainly for river and canal transport of bulk goods. Originally, this was towed by draft horses on an adjacent towpath. 

***100 BONUS POINTS if you can name how many were used during construction.

What are barges?




Dubai's desert has more sand than the project could ever need, yet cannot be used because of this quality.

What is the sand is too fine?


The reason Dubai shifted from a trade economy to becoming a luxury tourist destination.

What is running out of oil, their primary natural resource?


The process in which sand is pumped through a pipe and sprayed into place at 10 meters per second; enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool in four minutes!

What is rainbowing?


This creative career consists of designing and overseeing the construction of buildings. Buildings are often perceived as cultural symbols, and as works of art throughout history.

What are Architects?


These machines took less time transporting the materials to the construction site, since the best sand for the job was found six nautical miles out at sea. This sand was much more suitable because it's course, packs densely, and is more resistant to wave impact. It took less than an hour to fill these 8,000 ton tanks with sand.

***100 BONUS POINTS for how many were used.

What are dredges?




These were the only two materials used to build the breakwater/seawall and the island and both start eroding as soon as they hit the water.

What are sand and rock?


Dubai was an ideal location to turn into a luxury tourist destination because it offers these three natural features.

What are sun almost every day of the year, glorious beaches, and azure seas?


The Engineering team and the Project Manager must perform this timeline "miracle".

What is creating the island in 5 years instead of 15 years?


People who do this check that the breakwater/seawall is maintaining stability. They make sure the rocks are staying properly positioned and interlocked, because the structure must withstand the force of the sea for centuries.

What are Divers?


The type of machine used to compact the sand of Palm Jumeirah Island before they were able to build. 

***100 BONUS POINTS for how many were used.

What are probes (drills)?




The only way they were able to meet their construction deadline.

What is to build the breakwater and island at the same time?


The Palm Jumeirah Island stretches this many kilometres into the Arabian Gulf.

What is 5.5 kilometres?


This profession checks the water every day to make sure the openings in the breakwater/seawall are working, and that stagnant water or algae do not return. They reduce energy, materials, and water consumption through high efficiency strategies; de-carbonize the economy; and minimize or altogether avoid generation of all forms of waste and pollution.

What are Environmentalists?

***This profession works in agricultural, manufacturing, research and development, administrative, and service activities that contribute substantially to preserving or restoring environmental quality. 


These are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost. 

***The Latin word for this career means "to create, generate, contrive, devise" and "cleverness". This forms the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications to human and business needs and quality of life.

What are Engineers?


This process was used by the Engineering team to compact a layer of sand 12 meters deep, too deep to compact with normal road rollers, in order to prevent liquefaction in the event of an earthquake.

What is vibro-compaction or vibration compaction.


Three natural forces that the Engineering team must consider while building the breakwater/seawall and island.

What are earthquakes, storms, and erosion?


Prior to becoming known as a luxury tourist town, Dubai was famous for these three things.

What are gold, trade, and oil?


This system consists of signals from space that are transmitted to mobile receivers on the island which create a grid reference. 

Without molds for the palm shape, or fixed points to get bearings from, it is impossible to tell if the sand is falling in the right place to create the unique shape. Utilizing this system is the only way they were able to complete this task.

What is state of the art GPS?