General Review
True or False
General Questions A
General Questions B
General Questions C

What do good results look like? (List three examples)

  • High levels of trust 

  • Roles are clearly established 

  • All contributors are responsible 

  • Communication is fast, efficient, and reliable 

  • Strong commitment to achieving a specific goal

  • Accountability 

  • Most importantly: consistent desired results 


True or false

Implementing good leadership habits is a good way to generate good results in the end.



What are two ways to prioritize your goals?

Writing it down, organizing it in some shape or way, etc.


How would shorter, more frequent team meetings be of benefit compared to long infrequent team meetings? (Give Two Reasons)

Everyone is up to date, motivation is consistently maintained, things don't wander off track


How would having meetings where members are forced to be vocal about their accomplishments create good results?

Teams are more productive this way


What are some ways to ensure that results are properly maintained? (List three examples)

  • Stay committed even after you have achieved your desired results

  • Long term goals must be maintained

  • After achieving the result desired keep adding to the goal

  • Avoid procrastination

  • Make more better quality goals as results will last longer


True or false

Setting goals for each level of the PALM model creates some form of results.



How does the shape of the PALM model affect how good results are made?

It's a pyramid, so each level builds off the other.


In the event that a team contract needs to be developed, what three types of things should be included in the said contract?

Goals, responsibilities, norms


How would revisiting a team contract frequently when trying to complete a more long-term goal be of benefit?

Revisiting it would mean it could be updated to fit new needs and create better results in the end


How does consistency and sustainability help create good results?

Consistent effort ensures that the final product will be of high value. Being sustainable means that equal resources contribute to an overall good result. 


True or False

Implementing consistent leadership habits into your daily life will not ultimately be of use in the end when it comes to achieving results?



How does balance ensure good results?

It means that there's a lesser chance of confusion which could disrupt the end goal. 


How would the quality of a goal directly impact the end results of said goal?

Quality goals create quality results that last for longer and have a larger impact on your life?


What are the benefits of creating a straight line of sight towards completing certain goals and seeking certain results?

Team members are able to see how their individual actions directly impact the end results


How are results tied to the rest of the PALM model? (Give two reasons)

Results is the ending of all other PALM model levels combined together. With each completed step, results begin to show.


True or False

A clear vision of what results are desired by the end of a goal is something important to consider.



How does the efficiency of the PALM components influence the end results of something?

Efficiency generates results quicker. Said results might also be be better as dragging things out for too long depletes motivation. 


How does consistently adding to previously achieved goals link to good results?

You don't lose your motion to keep achieving.


Give two reasons as to why having direct contact and meaningful engagement are huge influences when it comes to reaching results.

it builds connections that would strengthen a team. Also, direct contact makes people look like actual people building understanding, trust, and empathy. (Judge based on the answer)


How are organization and avoiding procrastination key factors in the creation of good results?

A plan prevents derailment from the original subject at hand. Organization ensures that valuable time and motivation aren't being wasted.


True or False

Consistent feedback is more valuable than motivation and dedication when it comes to understanding the importance of results.



How is determination tied to results specifically?

The determination to see good results motivates individuals to reach each level of the PALM model to ensure success. 


When long term goals are successfully maintained, how do they influence the results of future smaller goals? (give two examples)

A well-established work ethic is already present, there is the motivation to keep up the effort, overall productive mindset is present


What other things would you add if you happen to be in the position of needing to design a team contract to ensure good results? Note: you can't use the examples from the video (30 seconds to answer)

Judge based on answer