Continuous Improvement
Project Management
Value Co-Creation
9 Conversations

The GROW model for  coaching follows these four steps.

What are "Goal,  Reality, Options, and Will or Way Forward"


Many practitioners of  LEAN would say that this is the WORST of the 8 wastes.

What is "over  production"


If you have a small or simple project focussing on solving a problem, then this approach may be better than a full, formal project approach.

What is  "8D"


Good candidate  customers for Value Co-Creation must have high Openness and also a high level  of this.

What is  "perception of capability beyond material supply"


Customers usually have 2 big questions which must be answered before a project is approved.  The first is "does the project generate enough value to pay for the investment" and the second is this

"Is the project  big enough to both with"


Each of the 9  conversations is focussed on one Customer Question, and for a business review  it is this.

What is the  "status quo"


When it can be used… Coaching is the most effective type of conversation for leaders to use.  Coaching is distinctly different from other types of conversations because it involves this.

What is "asking  questions to help the person solve their own problems"


If our adhesive sets faster than the competitor (requites less drying or curing time), we may be able to reduce or eliminate this waste.

What is  "waiting"


A project's core team  should have at least one SME, which stands for this.

What is "subject  matter expert"


Although not  necessarily equal, Value Co-Creation must have shared vision, values, risk,  resources, and this.

What is "shared  reward"


If you want to understand your customer's decision-making process, there are two big questions which must be answered.  The first is "what financial tool" your customer uses" and the second is this.

"What are their  acceptance thresholds"


In order to be more persusive and memorable, it is a good idea to make your key points obvious and limit them to this.

What is 3


Managers who are "all business" may neglect this type of conversation… which is essential for building trust.

What is Connecting


If our adhesive bonds better than the competitor (more likely to pass strength tests), we may be able to reduce or eliminate this waste.

What is  "defects"


Anybody who is  affected by a project or its result is considered as one of these.

What are  "stakeholders"


Figuring out what you  could possibly do with a customer is known as this.

What is  "Ideation"


The big four metrics  for analyzing how well a company is doing are liquidity, growth, return on  assets, and this.

What is "free  cash flow" or "how much makes it back to investors"


According to the principle of Primacy… When presenting, your customer will remember about this much of what you say first.

What is 70%


Thinking "hats" is a technique conceived by Quinn De Bono.  The black hat is the pessimist, the yellow hat is the optimist, and the green hat is this.

What is  "creative"


If you need to show trends in data over time, to spot process changes or outliers… then this visualization would be most helpful.

What is a  "control chart"


This member of the  project steering committee champions the project and helps the project leader  overcome obstacles.

What is the  "Sponsor"


Once you have a good  idea, avoiding knee-jerk reactions while determining if an idea can be done  is checking for this.

What is  "viability"


Payback time is easy  to calculate and understand but it does not consider this important factor.

What is the  "time value of money"


According to the principle of Recency… When presenting, your customer will remember about this much of what you say last.

What is nearly 100%


Meetings can be more produtive when everyone attending knows what type a meeting is going to be.  These are the 6 types of meetings.

What are:  Design&Innovation, Information Sharing, Decision-Making, Status Update, Problem-Solving, and Team Building.


If you want to show  how strong correlation is between an input and an output, then this  visualization is very useful.

What is a  "scatter plot"


The letters R,A, and G in RAG status stand for these…

What is "Red,  Amber, Green"


Separate from  viability (can it be done), the next step is to see if both parties can make  enough profit from it… known as determining this.

What is  "feasibility"


If your project is  one of several large options (of which they can do only one), and the  customer wants to consider taxes and depreciation into their decision, they  may want to use this.

What is AAR  "average accounting return"


Each of the 9 conversations is focussed on one Customer Question, and for a price increase it is this.

What is "why pay  more and stay with Henkel"