These items are permitted for note-taking at-home
What is white board or transparency sleeve with an erasable marker?
This individual cannot sign the COE
Who is the evaluator or treating professional?
This is automatically approved when any amount of extended test time is approved
What is break time?
When this is submitted, we should approve all listed accommodations
What is other standardized testing agency approval?
Use of this device is not a test construct violation on any ETS test
What is a spell checker?
This device can be approved as an accommodation but is not provided onscreen for ParaPro
What is a basic 4 function calculator?
This item is not allowed on any ETS test
What is a grammar checker?
This device can be approved for some Praxis tests
What is a calculator?
TOEFL test takers with any type of disability may be approved for this accommodation on the speaking section
What is extended time for spoken responses?
These assessments are not required to approve extended test time requests for a test taker with ADHD
What is achievement testing?
This accommodation does not violate the test construct on the listening section of the TOEFL
What is repetition of the listening section?
This should happen anytime a panel member reaches out with questions about policies, procedures, or an assigned case
What is email the ODP inbox at
According to the DOJ, we must provide the same accommodations in this testing environment
What is at-home testing?
We apply this concept when reviewing all information provided by a test taker, regardless of recency or accommodation history.
What is considerable weight?
This accommodation must be approved for at home test taking but not at a test center
What is scratch paper?
Unlike at a test center, this reading accommodation must be approved for at-home testing
What is reading aloud?
You may consider this when a test taker's documentation doesn't support the highest increment but we do have some information supporting functional limitations
What is recommend a lower increment of extended test time?
These two things should be specified in a DDRF when one or more accommodations are not approved
What is a clear rationale for non-approval and clear description of the information needed for reconsideration?
We cannot deny accommodations based solely on this reason
What is the recency of the documentation or no prior history of accommodations?
We should keep this DOJ guidance in mind when there are multiple requests for additional information
What is undue burden?