AP/Drama Terms
Vocabulary (12-21)

1) Write the base form, present particle, past, and past participle of the troublesome verbs: lie & lay

2) I _____ the window shade every morning.

a) rose

b) risen

c) raise

d) raised

1) Base form:    Pres Part:    Past:        Past Part.

      lie                lying           lay           (have) lain

      lay               laying         laid          (have) laid


2) Option C: raise


What is the AP term being used in the following sentence: 

Quote from Julius Caesar: "As Caesar love me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he valiant, I honor him."

a) Epistrophe

b) Juxtaposition

c) Anaphora

d) Anadiplosis 

Option C: Anaphora


1) They had planned to _________ the precious diamonds, but were soon arrested by the police.

a) pique

b) purloin

c) abscond

d) befuddle

Bonus: Identify one adjective in the previous sentence

2) Which of the following has the antonym of extravagant?

a) Parsimonious

b) Accolade

c) Belligerent

d) Prowess

Bonus 2: What is a synonym of the word that has the antonym of the word extravagant?

1) Option B: Purloin

Bonus: precious modifying diamonds. 

2) Option A: Parsimonious 

Bonus 2: Cheap


In Julius Caesar, which character was a catalyst in convincing Brutus to join the conspirators targeting Caesar by planting forged letters?



What is the definition of connive?

secretly allow (something considered immoral, illegal, wrong, or harmful) to occur.


Correct the following sentences: 

1) the palm gardens is a lovely new restaurant in seattle.

2) Betty said, leave the dishes on the table until we have finished eating

1) the --> The & Seattle --> Seattle

2) "Leave the dishes on the table until we have finishing eating" I

- Capitalize the 'l' in 'leave' because first word in a direct quotation must be capitalized.

-Include period.


Drama Terms: What is the difference between an aside and a soliloquy?


 A soliloquy is a speech in which a character, alone on stage, expresses his or her thoughts to the audience. An aside is a remark made to the audience, unheard by the other characters.


1) Demur 

a) Define the vocabulary word

2) Agnostic

a) Define the vocabulary word

Bonus: Choose a vocabulary choice of your own and define it.

1a. To disapprove or to take exception

2a. Believing in neither side of an argument

Bonus: Answers may vary.


1a) In Julius Caesar, how many times was Caesar stabbed during the Ides of March?

1b) Who was the last person to stab Caesar?

Bonus: What did Caesar say to the last person that stabbed him?

1a) Caesar was stabbed 27 times

1b) Brutus was the last person to stab Caesar

Bonus: "Et tu Brute"


What are the past participles of raise and rise?

Raise past part = raised

rise past part = rose


Identify if the following sentences are Restrictive or Nonrestrictive and fix the sentences if needed. 

1) Cary Grant star of many films by Hitchcock and others is still popular today.

2) My best friend Bert Barnaby Blake Jr. got a 2 on his AP World History exam.

1) Cary Grant, star of many films by Hitchcock and others, is still popular today. (Nonrestrictive: commas needed)

2) My best friend, Bert Barnaby Blake Jr. , got a 2 on his AP World History exam. (Nonrestrictive: commas needed)


 Which of the following devices are used in the quote?

"It is the bright day that brings forth the adder / And that craves wary walking."

a) Anachronism

b) Alliteration

c) Idiom

d) Antithesis

Option B: Alliteration


1) Tim's __________ gave him an unwarranted hatred for immigrants coming to America. 

2) The vulture is a scavenger, but the hawk is a _________ animal.

1) Xenophobia

2) Predatory


1) In Antigone, what was the name of the brother Antigone wanted a ceremony for?

2) What is the name of Antigone's father?

1) Polynices

2) Oedipus



Who is your favorite character and why?

Answers may vary


Fix the following modifier if needed:

1) Xander threw the ball bad, but it managed to enter the hoop

2) The tale of Cinderella Alex read was good one

3) Did I speak slow enough?

1) bad is incorrect, the adverb, badly, must be placed instead.

"How did Xander throw the ball" He threw it badly.

2) This sentence has the correct modifier.

3) Slowly would be the appropriate modifier to replace slow.


Which of the following AP Terms is used in the sentence?

"Why are you so worried. It's just a brain tumor the size of a grapefruit. Calm down."

a) Conceits

b) Homily

c) Zeugma

d) Litotes

Option D: Litotes


1) What is the difference between vindictive and vindicate?

2) What word has the synonym of audacity?

1) Vindictive means seeking revenge; bearing a grudge and vindicate means to set someone free from guilt or blame.

2) Chutzpah


In Antigone, who persuaded Crean to rescue Antigone?

Teiresias, the blind seer, enters and tells Creon about sinister omens recently seen, and about other signs indicating that the gods are angry with Thebes. Teiresias advises Creon to change his mind about burying Polynices


What is the definition of Apostrophe?

Address to an absent figure or to a thing as if it were presen


Subject verb agreement: Correct ANY issue in the sentence you find

1) All of the CDs, even the scratched one, is in this case.

2) There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there are only one left!

3) The players, as well as the captain, want to win.

1) are

2) were; is (are is incorrect)

3) This sentence is correct


AP Terms: What is the difference between polysyndeton and asyndeton?

Asyndeton is a list or a series in which no and is used at all, rather the items are separated by commas. Asyndeton has an effect that is quite different from polysyndeton's. If the effect of polysyndeton is to slow the reader down, the effect of asyndeton is most often the opposite: to speed the reader up.


1) Jonah revealed his _______ tendencies when he rudely insulted the rabbi.

(Syn: Foolish, boorish, silly & Ant: Sagacious)

2) Jason is a constant _________ to headaches

a) martyr

b) philatelist

c) tenet

d) dissident

1) Asinine

2) Option A: martyr


Julius Caesar: 

1) Who was the character that died by consuming live coals before taking her life with a dagger?

2) What do Flavius and Murellus do when they reach the temple at the Capitol?

3) Who had premonitions/visions regarding Caesar's death and tried to warn Caesar about it too?

1) Portia

2) Deface Caesar's statues

3) Calpurnia


Write a sentence on the board using a present perfect progressive verb.

Answers may vary

Present perfect progressive must contain had + been + present participle


Correct the verb tenses: 

1) Tomorrow night, we will go to the concert, and Jason had joined us. 

2) The psychiatrist had preparing carefully for her next patient

3) I stayed in my chair until an instructor had _______ to me firmly two or three times (speak)

1) will join

2) prepared/had been preparing

3) spoken


AP Terms: Which of the following terms is used?

"That I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more."

a) Periodic sentence

b) Antithesis

c) Chiasmus

d) Aphorism

Option B: Anithesis


1) Which word means cowardly and fearful?

2) Which word means not being able to be conquered; impenetrable?

1) Pusillanimous

2) Impregnable



1) What does Teiresias predict for Creon?

2) What 2 people does the messenger say have died? How have they died?

1) He predicts that members of Creons family will die because of the gods revenge

2) Antigone and Haimon; Antigone hung herself with her wedding vail and Haimon stabbed himself to death.


Write a sentence using the vocabulary word sanction.

Answers may vary

Sanction means permission; support


Identify if this is a misplaced or dangling modifier and correct the sentences if needed.

1) Sauced with lumpy ketchup, the waiter served Gaston a plate of gray beef Wellington.

2)  She wore a bicycle helmet on her head that was too large.

3) Create your own sentence with a dangling or misplaced modifier and fix it. Write on the board.

1) Dangling; The waiter served Gaston a plate of gray beef Wellington sauced with lumpy ketchup.

2) Misplaced: She wore a bicycle helmet that was too large on her head.

3) Answers may vary


1) What is the definition of Anachronism?

2) What is the definition of Euphemism?

3) Use the one of the following terms: (Epistle, Anadiplosis, or Anaphora) in your own sentence

1) A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.

2) The use of a word or phrase that is less expressive or direct but considered less distasteful or
offensive than another

3) Answers may vary


1) The Silk Road was a ________ for the transfer of goods, ideas, and religion.

2) What is the definition of the word filibuster?

1) Conduit

2) Filibuster: To attempt to block a bill from becoming law by speaking at length against it.


1) What was the name of the person murdered by the people of Rome after hearing Anthony's speech because he had the same name as one of the conspirators?

2) What does the Soothsayer say to Caesar?

a) "Beware the Ideas of March"

b) "Never trust Cassius"

c) "Pursue the kingship"

d) "Your toupee is on backwards"

3) What appears at Brutus’s bedside in camp?

1) Cinna the Poet

2) Option A

3) Caesar's ghost



Develop and argument to evaluate if Creon is deserving of sympathy. 

Create a thesis statement that addresses the prompt (2 minutes)


Answers may vary