Free Fall
Projectile Motion
Work, Power and Energy
What is the acceleration of a car that travels in a straight line at a constant speed?
What is zero?
A rock is thrown straight up with a velocity of 30m/s, calculate its displacement after 7 seconds. v=gt g=-10 y=(1/2)gt^2
What is -35 meters?
What are two components of a projectiles motion?
What is horizontal and vertical?
Explain Newton's law of inertia.
What is an object in motion stays in motion unless an outside force acts on it/ an object at rest stays at rest unless an outside force acts on it?
A 575N bow is lifted a distance of 20m straight up by a rope in 8.6s. Calculate power.
What is 1337.21W?
An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2 for 32.8 s until is finally lifts off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before takeoff.
What is 1720m?
On a cold winter night several kids decided to throw snow balls from a bridge. They dropped the snowballs and 1.5 seconds later they hit the ground. How high is the bridge? v=gt g=-10 y=(1/2)gt^2
What is -11.25 meters?
At the instant a ball is thrown horizontally with a large force, and identical ball is dropped from the same height. Which ball hits the ground first?
What is both hit the ground at the same time because of gravity?
Acceleration is directly proportional to ___________
What is net force?
Work is being done only when a force is___an object.
What is moving?
In a kinematic graph, the position of an object starts off positively increasing in a positive space and then decreases in a positive space. What is the velocity and acceleration of the object?
What is velocity is positive and then negative and acceleration is zero?
You drop a golf ball from the top of CHHS and it took 1.36 seconds to hit the ground. Calculate the velocity after 1.1 seconds of freefall. v=gt g=-10 y=(1/2)gt^2 v=vo+gt
What is -11 meters per seconds?
What is the difference between the vertical acceleration of a ball when it is going up compared to when it is coming down?
What is it decelerates on the way down?
Pablo weighs 177 pounds on earth. What is his Pablo's mass on Earth?
What is 80.5kg?
Work is done when a force moves an object a certain___.
What is distance?
In a kinematic graph, the position of an object starts out negative constant, then stays in the same place, then positively increases. What would be the object's velocity and acceleration?
What is velocity positive, zero, and positive and acceleration zero?
If you drop a cantalope from the top of the American Airline Center, and it takes 4.27 seconds to hit the ground how tall is the center? v=gt g=-10 y=(1/2)gt^2 y=Voy(t)+(1/2)gt^2
What is 91.16 meters?
What is the difference between a vector and a scalar?
What is a vector has both magnitude and direction, while a scalar only has magnitude?
What units make up Newtons?
What is kg * m/s^2? because... W=mg
An electric car has 65kw of power as it drove a sled 17.5m in 32s. How much force does the car exert?
What is 118,857.14N?
In a position vs. clock reading graph, how would you describe the motion of a line with a decreasing slope above the time axis?
What is the motion is constant negative in a positive space?
If you were to throw a large tree over the edge of Yellow Stone National Park and it took 18.97 seconds to hit the ground, calculate the velocity of the tree at impact? v=gt g=-10 y=(1/2)gt^2
What is 189.7 meters per seconds?
Does the horizontal velocity of a projectile ever change?
What is NO?
An object has a net force of 9.8N and a mass of 8.3kg, how fast is the object accelerating?
What is 1.2 m/s^2?
Calculate the speed of a 8.0x10^4kg submarine with a kinetic energy of 1.1x10^9J.
What is 165.83m/s?