What is the number of live action star wars movies
What is 11
What is the name of Coyote Stark's resurecction
What is Los Lobos
What are the names of the kingdoms originally mentioned in Black Clover
What is the Clover kingdom, the Heart kingdom, the Diamond kingdom and the Spade kingdom
What is the name of the planet that Anakin comes from
What is Tatooine
What character from bleach does Yami Sukehiro from Black Clover share a voice actor with
What is Grimmjow
What is the name of the special task force of force wielders trained by Darth Vader to kill jedi
What is The Inquisitors
What is the name of the quincy that possesses the ability "The Balance"
What is Jugram
*DAILY DOUBLE* What is the number of Magic Knight squads that exist
What is 9
What is the name of the icy planet where there was a rebel base in "Empire Strikes Back"
What is Hoth
What character from bleach does Sasuke from Naruto share a voice actor with
What is Ishida Uryu
What is the name of the composer of the Star Wars soundtracks from the original and prequels trilogy
What is John Williams
What is the name of Hirako Shinji's bankai
What is Sakashima Yokoshima HappÅfusagari
What numbered opening is the opening "Black Rover"
What is Opening 3
What is the name of the planet where Obi-wan and Anakin had their final battle in "Revenge of the Sith"
What is Mustafar
What character from bleach does Blackbeard from One Piece share a voice actor with
What is Kyoraku Shunsui
What is the name of Qui Gon Jinn's master
What is Count Dooku
*DAILY DOUBLE* How is the name of the 8th Espada spelled
Szayelaporro Granz
What are the names of the 3 elfs that make up the "Third Eye"
What is Vetto, Raia and Fanna
What is the name of the planet where the Central Jedi Temple is located
What is Coruscant
What character from Black Clover does Minato Namikaze from Naruto share a voice actor with
What is Julius Novachrono
What is the real name of Darth Maul
(In Canon)
What is we don't know
What are the names of Ichigo Kurosaki's first degree relatives
What is Isshin Shiba, Kurosaki Masaki, Karin Kurosaki, Yuzu Kurosaki and Kazui Kurosaki
What magic did Yuno's parents possess
What is sun and moon magic
What is the name of the planet where the Ewok race comes from
What is Endor
Sam Witwer who voices Darth Maul in every show has voiced many background characters in the franchise but has 2 more important roles excluding Darth Maul. What are those 2 important roles
What is the voice work and motion capture for Starkiller in the video game "The Force Unleashed" and the voice work for Palpatine in the same video game