Grading Scale and Outline
Paper 3 Question 2, Applying theorists
Paper 3, Question 2 Practice

AO1, read and demonstrate understanding of texts is worth how many marks for paper 3, Question 2?

5 marks


The environment that India is in is the right environment to apply the Language Acquisition Device because...

A child is able to learn in a stable environment with a parent in which they know and trust.  There also are no interruptions and any outside factors that would inhibit learning.


Does this script for section B of paper 3 represent an adjacency pairing and why?

Yes it does.  It's a mother and her daughter and there is a back and forth conversation prompted by the mother.  


Language Acquisition Device theorist (LAD).  A tool in a someone's brain that they use to absorb from their environment and learn.  

Noam Chomsky

A person with status is considered to be whom?

The parent, guardian, teacher, or the older caretaker in the script.


AO5, analyzing is worth how many marks for paper 3, Q2?

5 marks


Does Jean Aitchison's ideas on labeling, packaging, and network building apply to this script and if yes, how so.  

Yes, it applies.  The child is able to label a "banana" "nana" even though they may not fully be able to articulate the whole word.  She understands moneys jump.  She is also able to exhibit small stages of packaging, though network building hasn't happened yet.  


Analyze and explain the turn taking skills between India, age 1 and 10 months, and her mother.

Highly satisfactory!!! No overlaps.  Not part of the answer but the mother seems to be a good guide for India as she does not overstep her mother's speaking, granted, the child is quite young but this is a good start.  


Founded of the Language Acquisition Support System (LASS).  Tied to caretaker language.  A child needs someone to guide them.

Jerome Bruner


A child that makes a virtuous error...

Using ED instead of another form.  Or using verb incorrectly.  


AO4, Demonstrate understanding of linguistics or AO5 Analyze and synthesize language (analysis).  Which one is worth more marks for paper 3, Question 2, Child language Acquisition?

AO4 understanding of linguistics and theorist is worth more for question 2.  It is worth 15 marks.  AO5 is worth 5 marks.


Is there caretaker language in this script and if there is, give one example. In addition, give the theory that would suit this situation with the caretaker language. 

Do you want me to help you, pass it here then.  Multiple instances of caretaker guiding child through counting and guidance in general.  Mother seems to be very good at caretaker language.  

LASS, LAD, and/or ZPD.  


India, age 1 year and 10 months, is in what stage of language acquisition and also on the cusp of what other stage?

She is in the Holophrastic stage of development on the CUSP of the Telegraphic stage of development.  Holophrastic is 1 to 2 and Telegraphic is 2 to 3.


Behavioral theorist.  Believes in reward system and that praise helps language acquisition.  

B.F. Skinner


In the intro to your P3 Q2 essay, what three items would be good cover before moving onto your analysis?

Stage of acquisition, any adjaceny pairing, and turn taking skills.


How many theorists must be used for P3 Q2?

4 to 5.  Students can say 4 OR 5.  6 is a POSSIBILITY...Any more than 6 might be too much.


Rewards and praise:  Are reward and praise present in the script?  If so, give an example.

Yes, it is present.  "One two three four that's right".  "and again. well done"


Give an example of tag question.

Two possible answers.  First page when the mother says "are going to jump on the sofa are they?" OR "They are both going in the car are they?"


Founded of the Initiation Response Feedback (IRF).  This is not his most famous theory, but it is one of note.  

Lev Vygotstky


What is back-channeling (describe in own words).

Back-channeling can be verbal or non-verbal but is even more important when over the phone.  It is using certain words to show someone you understand (such as uh huh, Oh, Ok, and Right.


Without looking, give the order of paper 3, Question 2 outline.  You may explain in your own words, but you must still be correct.

Introduction, IDENTIFYING features of script, then next paragraph is what the child or children CAN DO or what they struggle with (with theorists).  Then the caretaker's paragraph (parent/teacher etc).  The fourth paragraph is anything else and miscellaneous that was missed (with theorist) followed by a conclusion following up on any extra info.


India is not quite in the preoperational stage of development, but she would be in the ___________stage, as defined by said theorist (no this is not the stages starting with Babbling.  These are stages from a specific theorist).  

Sensorimotor stage ages up to 2 when a child learns and understands their surroundings. 


Give ONE example of heuristic language.

India says "brum brum brum car" imaging maybe she is driving the car.  Or students could say "horsie" which is spelled in phonetics since she could be imagining that she is riding a horse.  Or students could say the part about the monkeys where she is jumping imagining she is one of them.  


This theorist founded the preoperational and sensorimotor stages.  In preoperational, which is ages 2 to 5 and is seen quite often, children become egocentric and love to talk about themselves, their life etc.  

Jean Piaget


Take a look at the script.  There are two phonetic spellings on page 2 of script.  One is near where it says "little bye bye" and one is repeated multiple times down near the end of page 2.  Which words are India most likely saying or trying to say?

animals and horse.