What is another for someone who sows seeds?
How can we keep from forgetting God's message?
Read our Bibles, pray to God, Worship God.
What happened to the seeds that fell on the rocky path?
They withered because they had no root.
What happened to the seeds that fell on the path?
Birds came and ate it.
How can we be sure we spend time with God each day?
Set time aside each day, make it important.
How can we share the Good News about Jesus with others?
Tell them, pray for them, share the Good News out of the Bible, ask them to come to Sunday school.
What does the "seeds falling among the thorns" mean?
The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.
What are some ways that we may be persecuted or have trouble because we are Christians?
Some people may make fun of us, call us names, pick fights, not want to be our friends.
What are some ways we can include God in our daily lives?
Pray, read the Bible, serve others, be thankful.
Why does Jesus speak in parables?
Through speaking in parables, Jesus grants understanding to those who are seeking after Him.
How can the seed falling on good soil compare us to being a Christian?
We need to share our faith with others so they can become Christians. This also helps us grow spiritually.
What happened to the seed that fell on good soil?
It produced a crop -- a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.