Bible Basics
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Bible Verses

What does the word testament mean?

Will, Covenant, Promise


What is the meaning of the parable of "seed" ? (Bonus points for including a reference verse)

The Word of God (Luke 8:11)


What is the parable definition of scale?

Word that weighs faith and actions


How many rooms are in the tabernacle and what are they?

Holy Place and Most Holy Place


What verse is this?
" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

John 1:1


How many books are in the Old Testament and the New Testament, respectively?

Old Testament - 39 books

New Testament - 27 books

Who was the Tree of Life at the First Coming? Who was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil at the First Coming?

Tree of Life: God, Jesus and the disciples

TKGE: Pharisees, Teachers of the Law


What is the parable definition of staff/rod?

What is the parable definition of iron scepter?

Word, person with the word

Ecclesiastical authority to rule


What is the parable definition of light?

Word, God's shepherd with the Word


What verse is this?
" He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. "

Revelation 21:4


About how many people wrote the books of the Bible?



What does the parable of harvest mean? 

And how many times does harvest happen in the Bible?

To gather, the time where God gathers the true believers.

Two times. Once at the First Coming, and again the Second Coming. 


In the Lord's prayer, Jesus tells us, "Give us today our daily bread."

What does this mean, our daily bread? 

Food (bread) = The word of God

Being in God's Word daily


What is the parable definition of fire? (Bonus points for including a reference verse)

God's Word that consumes and judges 

(Jer 5:14, Luke 12:49, Rev 8:5)


What are the contents of the verse, "Hebrews 6:18" ?

" God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. "


What are the 4 contents of the Bible?

History, Moral Instructions, Prophecy, Fulfillment


Draw a diagram for the parable of harvest. 



In Revelation 16, it talks about angels that pour out their bowls. 

What does it mean that bowls are pouring out?

Bowl = Person's Heart

A bowl pouring means a person is speaking


What is the parable definition of incense?

What is the parable definition of censer?

What is the parable definition of incense smoke?


person's heart

sound of prayers being lifted up


What are the contents of the verse, "Hosea 12:10" ?

" I spoke to the prophets, gave them many visions and told parables through them. "


What is the importance of prophecy and fulfillment? (Bonus points for including a reference verse)

It is a believers reason to believe in God and the Bible. (John 14:29)


Give a 2 minute speech on the 4 types of fields and how it relates to you today as a believer. 



Explain, using parable definitions, how this is the kingdom of heaven.
"He told them still another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough."

yeast = teachings, word

woman = pastor

measures of flour (bowl) = person's heart


Speech! Explain the difference between the sealed word, and the revealed word.

Use First Coming and Second Coming examples.



What verse is this?
"Yet, O Lord , you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."

Isaiah 64:8