Facts about Paragraphs
True or False
Find the topic sentence
What doesn't belong?
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
How many sentences does a paragraph have?

True or False:

Paragraphs are about one main idea or topic.



A mother bird is very busy. They build a nest, lay eggs in the nest, and sit on the eggs. They also gather food for hungry babies.

A mother bird is very busy.

I like to watch football. Every sunday me and my dad watch football together. Last sunday is rained. The Cowboys are my favorite team.
Last sunday it rained.
A rainbow is made up of many colors. It has red, purple, and blue stripes. It has orange, yellow, and green stripes. Sometimes the colors are dark. Sometimes the colors are pale.
A rainbow
Each sentence in a paragraph should contain______.

True or False:

Paragraphs help to organize your ideas.



Boy was I surprised when I looked under my bed. I found a dirty sock, my lost homework, and a piece of rotten banana. I need to clean my room more often.

Boy was I surprised when I looked under my bed.

I would like to have a new pet. I have a cat and a dog. Goldfish and birds would be good pets. Birthdays are fun. Maybe I will get a hamster or a rabbit.
Birthdays are fun.
Frogs hop on land. They dive into a pond. They swim in the water. They leap for food. A frog can move in many different ways.
Every paragraph has a ______.
Topic Sentence

True or False:

Paragraphs help make your writing harder to understand.


Cats are lazy animals. They like to lie around all day. They walk slow. Sometimes they lick their paws and their fur. That’s why some of them get fat!
Cats are lazy animals.
Emily and Tonya are good friends. They play games, ride their bikes, and go to the park together. Tonya's dog can run very fast. Emily and Tonya ride the bus to school together. They spend the night at each others' houses.
What is Tonya's dog can run very fast.
They very best food in the world is ice cream. It is cold and sweet. I like to lick it as it drips down the cone. I like all the different flavors.
Ice Cream

What is a topic sentence made of?

A Topic and a Controlling idea.


True or False:

Paragraphs help the reader understand the order of the details.


I like to run. I like to feel the wind go through my hair. Everything passes by you really fast. Then you get out of breath. That’s when I start to walk.
I like to run.
I'm going swimming in the pool at the park. I have my swimsuit and a big towel. Mom gave me money for a snack. Hippos swim in the river. My dad is going to drive me there. It will be a lot of fun.
Hippos swim in the river.
Many changes happen to a caterpillar as it grows. It gets bigger and bigger as it eats leaves. One day it forms a fuzzy cocoon. After several weeks, a moth crawls out of the cocoon. It flies away when its wings are dry.
A caterpillar

What does every paragraph begin with?



True or False:

Lots of different ideas and topics are talked about in paragraphs.



A dinosaur lives under my bed. I can hear him snoring at night. In the daytime, he goes outside and eats my mom’s daisies. He tracked his muddy footprints into the house. I ask for extra macaroni and cheese to feed my dinosaur.

A dinosaur lives under my bed.


Beavers build a special home called a lodge. They use trees to build their lodges. Beavers use their sharp teeth to cut down small trees. They cut off the branches and carry the trunks to the stream. Beavers have babies in the spring. They stack the trunks and branches into a big pile. They make the door to the lodge under the water. Beavers are excellent builders.

Beavers have babies in the spring.


When a whale calf is hungry, it bumps its mother. It drinks many gallons of milk in a short time. The milk is so rich a calf can gain eight pounds in one hour. A baby whale needs its mother's milk to grow.

A whale