Animals & bugs
Solar System

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. They have long trunks that help them pick up food and water. Elephants live in big groups called herds and take care of each other. Baby elephants are called calves, and they stay with their mothers for many years.

What is the best paraphrase of paragraph? 

A) Elephants are small animals that live alone. 

B) Elephants are big animals that live in groups.

B) Elephants are big animals that live in groups.


The sun is the closest star to Earth and gives us light and heat. It is much bigger than Earth, and without it, our planet would be too cold for living things. The sun rises in the morning and sets at night, giving us day and night.

What is the best paraphrase of paragraph?

A) The sun is smaller than Earth and doesn’t affect us.

B) The sun gives us heat and light, which makes Earth warm.

B) The sun gives us heat and light, which makes Earth warm.


Rain happens when clouds fill up with water. When the clouds get too heavy, the water falls to the ground as raindrops. Rain is important because it helps plants grow and fills rivers and lakes.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Rain falls from heavy clouds and helps plants grow.

B) Rain happens because rivers and lakes get full.

A) Rain falls from heavy clouds and helps plants grow.


Drawing is a fun hobby where you can use pencils, crayons, or markers to create pictures. You can draw things from your imagination or things you see around you, like animals or trees.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Drawing is fun, and you can use pencils or crayons to make pictures.

B) Drawing is boring, and you can only draw animals.

A) Drawing is fun, and you can use pencils or crayons to make pictures.


Bees are important insects that help plants grow. They fly from flower to flower, collecting nectar and spreading pollen. This helps plants make seeds and fruit. 

What is the best paraphrase of paragraph?

A) Bees collect nectar to make food for themselves.

B) Bees fly around just for fun and don't help plants.

A) Bees collect nectar to make food for themselves.


The solar system is made up of the sun and the planets that orbit around it. There are eight planets, including Earth. The sun is a giant ball of hot gas that gives light and heat to all the planets."

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) The solar system has eight planets, and the sun gives them light and heat.

B) The solar system has nine planets, and Earth is the hottest one.

A) The solar system has eight planets, and the sun gives them light and heat.


Wind is moving air. It can be a soft breeze or a strong gust. Wind helps cool things down on hot days and can also move clouds, helping to change the weather.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Wind is strong and only happens on rainy days.

B) Wind is moving air that can help change the weather.

B) Wind is moving air that can help change the weather.


Reading is a great hobby because it lets you explore new worlds through books. You can read stories about adventures, mysteries, or even facts about the world. Reading helps you learn and have fun at the same time!

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Reading is boring and only teaches you facts.

B) Reading is fun and helps you learn by exploring new stories and facts.

B) Reading is fun and helps you learn by exploring new stories and facts.


Giraffes are the tallest animals on land. Their long necks help them reach leaves high up in trees, which is their favorite food. Even though they have long necks, giraffes have the same number of neck bones as humans do – only seven!

What is the best paraphrase of paragraph?

A) Giraffes are the shortest animals and eat leaves from the ground.

B) Giraffes use their long necks to eat leaves from tall trees.

C) Giraffes have more neck bones than any other animal.

B) Giraffes use their long necks to eat leaves from tall trees.


Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only planet known to have life. It has water, air, and land, which help living things survive. Earth orbits the sun along with seven other planets."

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Earth is the farthest planet from the sun and has no life.

B) Earth is the third planet from the sun and is the only one with life.

B) Earth is the third planet from the sun and is the only one with life.


A tornado is a spinning column of air that touches the ground. Tornadoes can be very strong and can cause damage to buildings and trees. They usually happen during storms with thunder and lightning.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Tornadoes are gentle and happen on sunny days.

B) Tornadoes are spinning air that can cause damage during storms.

C) Tornadoes are made of rain and do not touch the ground.

B) Tornadoes are spinning air that can cause damage during storms.


Gardening is a hobby where you can grow plants, flowers, or vegetables. You water them, give them sunlight, and watch them grow. It’s fun to take care of plants and see them change over time.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Gardening is about growing plants and helping them grow by giving water and sunlight.

B) Gardening is difficult, and you only grow flowers.

C) Gardening doesn’t require any care or time to help plants grow.

A) Gardening is about growing plants and helping them grow by giving water and sunlight.


Turtles have hard shells that protect them from predators. Some turtles live on land, while others live in the water. Turtles move slowly, but they can live for many, many years, sometimes over 100!

What is the best paraphrase of paragraph?

A) Turtles live for many years and have shells to keep them safe.

B) Turtles are fast animals that run away from predators.

C) Turtles live in trees and move quickly

A) Turtles live for many years and have shells to keep them safe.


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is made mostly of gas and has many moons. Jupiter is so big that over 1,300 Earths could fit inside it!

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Jupiter is smaller than Earth and has no moons.

B) Jupiter is the largest planet and is mostly made of gas.

C) Jupiter is a tiny planet that can fit inside Earth.

B) Jupiter is the largest planet and is mostly made of gas.


Hurricanes are huge storms that form over warm ocean water. They have strong winds and heavy rain. Hurricanes can last for days and sometimes cause flooding when they reach land.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Hurricanes are strong storms with rain and wind that form over warm water.

B) Hurricanes are small storms that last for only a few minutes.

C) Hurricanes happen over land and are caused by cold air.

A) Hurricanes are strong storms with rain and wind that form over warm water.


Playing sports like soccer, basketball, or tennis is a fun way to stay active. It helps you exercise and teaches you how to work with others as a team. Sports are a great way to stay healthy and have fun with friends.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Playing sports is a way to stay active, work with a team, and have fun.

B) Playing sports is boring and doesn’t help you stay healthy.

C) Playing sports is only about winning and not working with a team.

A) Playing sports is a way to stay active, work with a team, and have fun.


Penguins are birds that cannot fly, but they are excellent swimmers. They use their wings, called flippers, to help them move through the water. Penguins live in cold places and spend a lot of time hunting for fish.

What is the best paraphrase of paragraph?

A) Penguins can fly and spend their time in warm places.

B) Penguins use their flippers to swim and live in cold areas.

C) Penguins swim very little and mostly live in the desert.

B) Penguins use their flippers to swim and live in cold areas.


Saturn is famous for its beautiful rings, which are made of ice and rock. It is the second-largest planet in the solar system and has many moons. Saturn’s rings can be seen with a telescope.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Saturn has rings made of ice and rock, and it is the second-largest planet.

B) Saturn has no rings, and it is the smallest planet in the solar system.

C) Saturn's rings are made of gas, and they cannot be seen with a telescope.

A) Saturn has rings made of ice and rock, and it is the second-largest planet.


Clouds form when water vapor in the air cools down and turns into tiny water droplets. Some clouds are white and fluffy, while others are dark and heavy, which can bring rain.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Clouds are made of water vapor that turns into water droplets.

B) Clouds are made of rain, and only white clouds bring rain.

C) Clouds are dark and fluffy and form when the sun is shining.

A) Clouds are made of water vapor that turns into water droplets.


Cooking is a hobby where you can make delicious meals or snacks. You can mix different ingredients and try new recipes. Cooking lets you be creative and make food for yourself or share with your family.

What is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?

A) Cooking is about making meals and being creative with ingredients.

B) Cooking is hard and only for grown-ups.

C) Cooking is not fun, and you can't share food with others.

A) Cooking is about making meals and being creative with ingredients.