What is the first plauge Moses performs in Egypt?
the Nile turns to blood
Who are slaves in Egypt?
the Israelites
Who is Moses' brother?
What does the parashah Va'era mean in English?
And I appeared
Which Jewish holiday do we light a hanukkiah/ menorah?
How many plagues are mentioned in this Parashah?
What does Moses say to Pharaoh when he goes to speak with him?
"Let my people go!"
What object does Moses carry in his hand?
A staff
What is the Hebrew word for Egypt?
How many books are in the Torah?
What is the last plague in this parashah?
Fire and ice hail fall.
What happens to Pharaoh's heart when he doesn't listen to Moses?
It hardens
What kind of animal does Moses' staff turn into?
a snake
What are the four letters of G-d's name?
yud hey vav hey
In the book of Genesis, who ate from the tree of knowledge?
Adam and Eve
In how many days did G-d create the Earth? And on which day did he rest?
Who are the three patriarchs to whom G-d promised the land of Israel?
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob