Life and Death
Death and Life
Worry and Forgiveness

The amount of year Jacob lived in Egypt.

What is seventeen (17) years?


The names of Joseph's sons that he had in Egypt.

Who are Manasheh מנשה  and Ephraim אפרים?


This is Jacob's prediction for Reuven.

What is that although he is the firstborn, he will not be the head of his brothers anymore?


The amount of days it took the Egyptians to embalm Jacob.

What is 40 days?

With their father now dead, the brothers were worried about this.

What is that Joseph would now get his revenge on his brothers for trying to kill him and throwing him into the pit and selling him into slavery?


The age Jacob was when he died.

What is 147 years?


Jacob thought of Manasheh and Ephraim equivalent to this.

What is Jacob thought of Joseph's sons -his grandsons- as his own sons?

Jacob's feelings towards Shimon and Levi.

What are that he is still angry at them for what they did to protect Dina's honor and that he predicts that they will always be evil?


The amount of days the Egyptians cried over Jacob.

What is 70 days?


This is what the brothers said Jacob had written in a letter to Joseph.

What is that Joseph should forgive his brothers for they did to him?

Jacob did not want to buried in this place.

What is Egypt?


Rachel is buried in this place instead of the Ma'arat HaMachpelah in Chevron because of this.

What is Beit Lechem because she died on the road there while giving birth to Binyamin?


Judah is predicted to be this for the future of the Jewish people.

What is that the Kingship will come from his tribe?


The makeup of Jacob's burial procession out of Egypt.

What was Joseph, all the officials of Pharaoh, the senior members of his court, all of Egypt's dignitaries and all of Jacob and Joseph's family-- and chariots and horsemen?


This is what the brothers offer to Joseph.

What is to be Joseph's slaves?


Jacob wanted to be buried in this place.

What is the Ma'a'rat HaMachpelah in Chevron?


Jacob places his hands in this manner when blessing Ephraim and Manasheh.

What is he crosses his hands- having Manasheh stand on the right because he is the first born but has Jacob's left hand on his head and Ephraim standing on the left because he is the younger son but receives Jacob's right hand on his head  ? 


This is what Jacob predicts for the tribe of Dan.  (x2)

What is that they will judge and also be the ones who are the 'vipers by the path' שפיפן עלי ארח?


The amount of days Joseph mourned for his father Jacob when the procession got to Goren Ha-Atad.

What is 7 days?


Joseph makes his brothers promise this after he dies.

What is to take his bones back to be buried in Israel?

Joseph יוסף did this to show that he would fulfill his father's wishes.

What is that Joseph swore to Jacob that he wouldn't bury him in Egypt and would bury him in Ma'a'rat HaMachpelah?


Jacob's blessing predicts this future event for the Children of Israel.

What is that they will be in Egypt until 'ה redeems them?


These are the metaphors for Asher, Naphtali, and Benjamin.

What are: Asher- rich bread    Naphtali- a hind ( of deer)  Benjamin- a wolf ?

This is where Joseph and his family went after burying Jacob in the Cave.

What is they went back to Egypt?


Joseph's age when he died.

What is 110 years?