Origins of the Test
Test Administration
The grade levels that take the MCAS will be the same as the PARCC.
FICTION MCAS: 3-8 and 10 PARCC: all grades 3-11
The PARCC test is being developed to align with the Common Core standards as well as prepare students for post-secondary college and careers.
FACT The data from higher education institutions state students are not ready to perform at the college level.
The field test timeline consists of the 2013/2014 school year.
FICTION It's 2 years.
All students are required to take the PARCC field test on a computer
Fiction: Students will be allowed to take a paper and pencil version of the test at the outset
Students will have to take both the PARCC field test and the MCAS
Fact (In Worcester) The state has made this is a district level decision.
PARCC will assess writing at all grade levels.
FACT MCAS assesses in grades 4, 7, and 10.
Teacher input is not considered when developing test questions.
FICTION Teachers work in conjunction with Peason and ETS to vet questions.
Starting in fall 2016, high school students will have to pass the PARCC in order to receive a state diploma.
FICTION All students will have to take the MCAS until at least 2018 in order to receive a high school diploma.
46% of students in Massachusetts will participate in the PARCC field test.
Fiction: 15% of Massachusetts students in grades 3-11 will take the PARCC field test
Students will be made aware of their performance level after taking the PARCC field test.
Fiction: Test results will be used to shape and design the PARCC
PARCC will report a wider spectrum of levels of student performance.
FACT MCAS: warning, needs improvement, proficient, and advanced PARCC: no command, partial command, moderate command, strong command, and distinguished command
The PARCC test is a testing tool that is being developed by the federal government.
FICTION There are 18 states working together to build PARCC.
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education will vote whether to fully adopt PARCC at the state's new testing program in fall 2015.
All students despite disability or language proficiency level will partipate in the PARCC field test.
Fiction: First year ELL students, students participating in the MCAS ALT, and those requiring Braile or ASL will not participate in the field test.
Parents/Teachers cannot preview the PARCC or help their children/students in their test preparation.
Fiction: Parents/Teachers can access PARCC preview questions via Parents/Teachers can help their children prepare for PARCC by familiarizing themselves with the state's academic learning standards.
It will take longer to receive the results of the PARCC test.
FICTION Computer based testing will provide for more timely results. This will allow for more tailored instruction for students in the coming year.
PARCC is being funded by a multi-million dollar federal grant.
FACT 186 million dollar grant
If the Board votes to adopt the PARCC the official role out will be spring 2015.
The PARCC field test will be comprised of both a performance based assessment and an end of year assessment
Fact: For the field test, schools must select only one of the two tests.
The decision of the readiness of the PARCC will be determined upon available technology, accountability, competency determination.
PARCC will not allow for national comparisons of student performance.
FICTION PARCC is working on becoming the national standardized assessment for elementary and secondary students. This will allow schools and state to perform nationwide comparisons.
PARCC stands for Progressive Assessement for Reading, Calculations, and Communication
PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
In 2014/2015 districts will not be allowed to choose whether to administer PARCC or MCAS in grades 3-8.
FICTION They will be able to choose.
The purpose of the PARCC field test: *To understand how test items perform * To see how well those items measure student performance compared to the CCSS. * To form test developed in prep for planned launched of operational PARCC 2015
The choice of field test participating schools were randomly selected by the state department of elementary and secondary education.