What opportunities do you have to be involved at school?
Various Volunteer Opportunities
Invitations to SIT meetings and/or various parent sessions
Participating in Family nights to support learning at home
Provide feedback on surveys/exit slips
Participate in Parent Teacher Conferences
Do you have access to the school's website? Have you visited the website for information?
Yes - the website can be translated into different languages as well
Information is posted about upcoming events, school awards, teacher webpages, parent handbook, School Improvement Plan, Morning Announcements, newsletters, etc.
What kind of education services is your child receiving?
Individual support: guided groups, blended learning resources, intervention programs (LLI, Hill Rap, etc.), additional support from tutors/interventionists, ESL, EC, enrichment from AIG services, access to research based instructional resources/strategies, etc.
Core curriculum created by CCS teachers
School wide reform strategies
Are you asked to give input about the educational services your child is receiving? How?
Various Surveys from teacher and/or admin (exit slips/surveys after school wide events for supporting learning at home or survey links sent home
Opportunities are advertised on school newsletters and the webite
Parent Teacher Conferences allow an opportunity for parents to ask questions and provide information that maybe helpful to students
Parent Rep Groups (SIT, PTO, etc.)
How are you informed about the Title I Program at your child's school?
Specifically, if your school is a Focus or Low Performing school how are you informed about your school's status?
Parent Handbook, Title I Open Meeting/Curriculum Night, website, School Improvement Meeting, Newsletters, etc.
Focus and/or Low Performing: Parent Handbook, website, Title I Open Meeting, Newsletter, SIT meeting, Report Card snap shot and letter from the principal.
Make sure parents know what Focus and Low Performing means.
How are you made aware of your child's progress?
Teacher communication: progress reports, report cards, parent teacher conferences, work samples, assessment results, communication folder, apps or blended learning resources (Live School, iReady, Dream Box) emails, additional parent teacher conferences, etc.
How does the school support you in helping your child succeed?
Some examples include:
Weekly/monthly emails/newsletters from the classroom teacher regarding what the students are learning
Homework to reinforce skills
Parent Sessions to answer questions about report cards/assessments
Family Nights for Supporting Learning at Home
Access to curriculum maps
Resources to access at home (Live School, iReady, Dream Box, etc.)
Parent Resource Centers with resources to take home
How often are you given information regarding progress or services at your school? Please explain.
Answers will vary. Parents should explain that there are various ways that the school communicates and that communication is constant and appropriate to keep parents informed along the way.
How does the school communicate with you and is this effective for you?
Schools communicate in English and in Spanish in a variety of ways:
Emails, Connect Ed Calls, Newsletters, Website, Communication Folders, Agendas, Letters home, Apps (Bloomz, Live School, etc.)