The number of numbered sections of the D&C
The stated frequency for quorum and class presidencies to meet.
Our friends in other Christian churches refer to the Sacrament as this
When you need to know what activities, meetings, and assignments are upcoming, you should refer to this
2025 Youth Activity, Meetings, Assignment Spreadsheet
These are three of the five gifts God has given us that we discussed in our recent Standard's Night (last 3 years)
Agency, Body, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Experience
The number of letters in the three words of this year's youth theme
The four areas of the child and youth program.
Spiritual, intellectual, physical, social
When the Sacrament was first instituted, this was the drink used to represent Christ's blood.
These are 5 things that can be communicated by non-verbal communication.
Disinterest/interest, joy/sadness, pain, excitement, love, disappointment, fear, shame, gratitude, kindness, anger, pride, etc
This is the result of letting virtue govern thy thoughts unceasingly.
Confidence in the sight of God.
There have been this many proclamations by the First Presidency and Quorum of The Twelve Apostles since 1990
__________ centered & ________ supported
Home & Church
This was the first person to administer the sacrament
Jesus Christ
To indicate that you are interested and engaged in a conversation, one will do this
Give eye contact
These things are spirtual unto God. (D&C 29:34)
All things
The average number of hours each individual youth leader will volunteer this year for the youth.
The stated purpose of the youth program is to help youth make and keep ____ and deepen their ___ to Jesus Christ and his gospel.
Covenants & Conversion
Everyone should be acting this way during the blessing and passing of the sacrament.
After someone does something nice for you, this is the appropriate two word response in English.
Thank you!
President Nelson has taught: "Now is the time for us to make our this our highest priority"
The Sacrament Prayers are found in these two verses in D&C 20
Verses 77 and 79
The three components to the Sunday youth lessons.
Theme, counsel, gospel instruction
This significant change to the administration of the Sacrament was instituted upon returning to church post-covid.
Bread was passed in water cups (other possible answers at host's discretion)
Vocabulary, intonation, volume, articulate are all words that that describe this type of communication.
Verbal communication
According to President Hinckley, every member needs these three things
A friend, responsibility, nourishment by the Good Word of God