Opens the door and keeps it open. Parents tries to understand what child is feeling and is trying to communicate.
What is Active Listening?
Positive discipline techniques.
What should be used instead of spanking?
Trying to make the child feel better
What is consoling, reassuring?
Create roadblocks, are harsh and hurtful, hurt self-esteem and focus on faults and blame.
What are "You" messages?
Warning the child of the consequences.
What is using threats?
A simple response that signal you are listening without passing judgement or opinions.
What is natural response?
Helps children understand the behavior you want and helps them understand the consequences of disobeying.
What is setting limits?
Children learn from what they observe their parents doing.
What is modeling?
Making fun of the child.
What is ridiculing, shaming?
Assuming you know the child's reason or motives.
What is analyzing?
Eye contact, facial expression, gestures, voice, touch and personal space.
What are effective communication tools?
Telling the child what to do.
What is giving orders.
Help open communication, honest and kind, protect self-esteem and focus on feelings and behaviors.
What are "I" messages?
Making negative comments.
What is blaming and criticizing?
Telling the child what he/she should or ought to do.
What is preaching?
Things that get in the way of listening.
What are communication roadblocks?
Ignoring (tune out), Time out, and logical consequences.
What are Sensible discipline techniques?
Helpful and include positive thoughts about you.
What is Positive self-talk?
Includes harsh, critical negative thoughts about yourself.
What are Negative Self-talk?
Trying to influence the child with facts or logic.
What is lecturing?
"I" messages and "You" messages.
What are 2 types of communication styles?
"Please" directions, count to 3 slowly and praise (if they obey)
What are the steps for sensible discipline.
Say more than just what the words say.
What are door openers?
Trying to distance the child.
What is humoring, placating?
Trying to find causes or motives.
What is asking questions?