Parenting Style
Discipline vs Punishment
Types of Disciplines & Punishments
Scenarios (Identify)

Your 10-year-old child comes home from school, and after a snack and some playtime, you ask them to start their homework at 4:00 as this is a regular routine where they start their homework at this time. Your child refuses, saying they don’t want to do it and would rather continue playing. 

What parent type is this? How would you approach this situation?



Your 16-year-old teenager told you they were going to a friend’s house to study but instead went to a party. When your teenager comes home, you confront them about the lie by saying “I can’t believe you lied to me about going to a party instead of studying. You’re grounded for a month. No phone, no going out, and no privileges until I can trust you again.” What approach is this parenting style

Punishment (negative)


What is a positive punishment? 

Introducing an unpleasant consequence in response to an undesirable behavior, with the goal of decreasing the likelihood of that behavior recurring.


A child consistently leaves their toys scattered around the living room despite repeated reminders to clean up.

Punishment: Everytime the kid leaves their toys out, they'll have to clean the kitchen after dinner

Positive Punishment


Name one positive discipline technique that focuses on reinforcing desired behaviors

Positive reinforcement


What parenting style does Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore girls practice

Permissive Parenting Style


Is uninvolved parenting style more discipline or punishment? Why?

Punishment. Parents should be heavily involved in your child’s life right from the second they are born. This parenting style shows no forms of nurturing beyond basic needs and showing no interest in any hobbies activities that the child is interested in. This is very detrimental to a child’s growth and development and how they act in social settings.


What is a negative Punishment?

removing a desirable stimulus to decrease the likelihood of a specific undesirable behavior recurring.


A teenager consistently breaks curfew by coming home later than agreed upon.

Consequence is that they are no longer allowed to drive to school and the parent will start driving them

Negative punishment 


This parenting style is characterized by high demands and low responsiveness.

Authoritarian parenting


What parenting style do Matilda's parents have?



Are permissive parents punishment or discipline style?

Permissive parents minimize punishment and discipline style as they tend to avoid conflict


Give an example of a positive punishment. Reminder: Introducing an unpleasant consequence to decrease undesirable behavior.

Hint: adding/implementing something

Assigning additional household chores when a child neglects their responsibilities.

Sending a child to a time-out for misbehavior.

Giving a stern lecture or scolding when a child breaks a rule.


A child has been struggling with completing their homework on time, leading to low grades and frustration.

To help them stay motivated, for every homework assignment they complete on time this week, the parent will reward them to ice cream and going to the park

Discipline: Positive reinforcement


What parent type has these characteristics 

1) open communication

2)clear expectations 

3)attentive to their child’s need



What are some common characteristics of uninvolved parenting style?

  1. Lack of emotional attachment and relationship between the parent and child 

  2. Lack of interest in any outside activities that the child is participating in 

  3. No set rules or expectations for the child

  4. Only focusing on own problems and desires


What is the definition of a punishment 

-Creating suffering whenever a child makes a wrong decision.

-serves as a way for parents to release anger or frustration out, usually at the child's expense.


Give me an example of negative punishment. Reminder: Removing a desirable stimulus to decrease undesirable behavior.

Hint: Taking away/removing something

  • Losing privileges: ex. Taking away screen time when a child misbehaves.
  • Grounding
  • Withholding Allowance

A child has been repeatedly ignoring and refusing to do their household chores, causing frustration for the family.

To help them remember and prioritize their responsibilities, if they complete all their chores without reminders for the next week, they won't have to carry over doing extra chores the next weekend.

Discipline: Negative reinforcement


What are some common characteristics of Permissive parenting?

  • Low expectations/demands

  • Friendship dynamic over parenting dynamic

  • Avoiding conflict


What is the definition of discipline?

-Guides children to promote correct behavior without harming them

-Uses positive and negative reinforcement


What is a physical punishment and how can that be bad?

Physical punishment involves inflicting physical pain or discomfort in response to an undesirable behavior, with the intention of discouraging that behavior. Such as spanking and slapping. Can cause emotional and physical harm on the child, as well as strained relationships and ineffective long term discipline.


Sarah, a high school student, is preparing for her final exams. She knows that she needs to study diligently to achieve the grades she desires, but she often finds herself getting distracted by social media and procrastinating. Sarah wants to achieve her academic goals and decides to implement strategies to stay focused and motivated.

Discipline: Self discipline (can be developed from permissive parents)