First Aid
Ethics and Safety
Troop Trivia

How do you treat a paper cut?

Wash and disinfect the would. Apply a band-aid or gauze.


(T/F) You should always try to camp on flat, dry land.

True (If there isn't any, try to do your best with it)


if you find a cool rock that you like, it is okay to take it home 

true or false?



Chicken has what dangerous germ when it is raw? 



How many ranks are there?



How do you treat a bloody nose?

Ice the bridge of the nose and point the head forwards.

smellables such as meal ingredients, food leftovers and garbage attract what animal to your campsite?



Which of these can protect you online?

a) Having the same password for all sites for easiness

b) Friending and messaging with strangers online

c) Turning on settings to make your posts only seen by close friends and family



describe the 3-bin system that is used to clean cooking vessels 

The first bin contains hot, soapy water, the second is filled with clean, hot rinse water, and the third bin contains cold water with a sanitizer such as bleach to kill bacteria. 

Before washing, make sure you use a rubber spatula to scrape excess food into a trash bag.


how much merit badges must be earned to achieve the rank of eagle and how many of them are eagle required

21 total merit badges, 14 of those are eagle required (it used to be 13 but cit society was added)


Your friend says he was bitten by an animal. What should you not do?
a) Call 911

b) Chase after and identify the animal

c) Wash and disinfect the wound.

b) Chase after and identify the animal

Medical attention is of utmost importance.


What type of camp are places like Sea Base and Philmont

High Adventure Camps/Bases


name 2 ways to prevent fires in your house

Keep flammable objects away from open flames. Only use fire under adult supervision. Blow out matches after use. (Similar answers are accepted.)False. Leave nature as is.


What are some common signs that a food has spoiled?

Smells bad, starting to change color, mold growth, softening.


how many members of the PLC are there this term (+/-2)



what are some common warning signals of a heart attack ( identify 3 to get this question right)

-Persistent, uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, pain, or a burning sensation in the center of the chest behind the breast bone.

-unusual sweating


-shortness of breath

-a feeling of weakness


Name 5 things you should bring for a snowy campout. (Other than a tent)

A 0 degree sleeping bag, a thick jacket, gloves and a hat, hand warmers, and a lot of warm clothes.


describe how to dispose of dishwater in the outdoors

strain food bits out of your dishwater and put them in your trash. Carry dish water 200 feet(75 steps) away from any streams or lakes. Give the water a good fling to spread it over a wide area(rainbow method) of or pour it into a rocky area or under organic litter.  


What is the best way to transport foods that spoil easily on a campout?

A cooler


when was troop 759 chartered (+/- 2 years)



Describe the procedure of splinting an upper-arm fracture 

Tie a splint to the outside of the upper arm. Place the arm in a sling with the hand raised about 3 inches above elbow level. Then use a bandage to secure the upper arm against the side of the chest. The body will act as a second splint to keep the elbow and shoulder from moving.


What is the rule of 3's while camping?

You can survive 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food.


When planning a hiking trip with your Scout troop, why is it important to check the weather forecast before setting out, and what actions should you take based on the forecast?

So that you can prepare ahead of time for anything that might happen, such as rain. Additionally, you would know if there are really harsh weather conditions, in which case you might postpone the trip.


What the approximate caloric values for fat, carbs, and protein?

Fat has 9 calories, while carbs and protein have around 4 calories per gram.


Who is our summer camp coordinator?

Mrs. Sanchita