There are 2 halves in a soccer game how log are they?
30 minutes
what is the number one key to a strong defense?
When guarding the ball what should you do?
Maintain( don't over play) and force them middle into our help
You should always look for S- - - E
What is considered offsides?
When A player passes the ball to his teammate while he or she is past the last defender (Not including the goalie)
Discipline, Teamwork, Communication
When should you slide tackle?
When it is the last resort
When waiting for a direct pass you should always be doing what?
Checking over you shoulder
How Long is the break between each halves?
5 Minutes (So don't walk off the field)
How is there an I in team?
How can I help this team?
After making a good tackle deep on our side what should you do if you are still pressured?
Clear the ball up and out
When a player takes a shot on goal what should everyone else near the goal do?
Crash the net
What happens if the referee gives a second yellow card to a player?
He or she gets a red card
What sport did I play in college?
when can't the goalie pick up the ball while it is in the 18?
When the ball is passed to him directly from their team
After making a pass what should you do next?
Move to space or make a run? I.E Give and Go
What is an indirect kick and why is it awarded?
Like a free kick except the ball can't enter the goal unless another player touches.... Is awarded to a player when an opposing player commits a less serious foul, such as dangerous play, obstruction, or offsides
what is my number one rule?
Be accountable
who oversees the defense?
The Goalie
True or false it is on sides if you are on a breakaway and you make a pass backwards to your teammate who is pass the last defender?