Women in Science
Women in History
Women in Literature
Famous Firsts
Women around the World

She and her husband Pierre discovered both radium and polonium

Who is Marie Curie?


Cleopatra VII was a legendary ruler of this ancient civilization

What is ancient Egypt?

Heathcliff and Catherine are characters from this novel by Emily Bronte

What is Wuthering Heights?


She was the first female pilot to operate a transatlantic flight in 1932

Who is Amelia Earhart?


Indira Gandhi was the first and, to date, only female Prime Minister of this Asian country

What is India?


This primatologist/anthropologist spent 60 years studying the social behavior of chimpanzees

Who is Jane Goodall?


This founder of modern nursing was known as the "Lady with the Lamp"

Who is Florence Nightingale?


This Canadian author is known for her feminist works, including "The Penelopiad" and "The Handmaid's Tale"

Who is Margaret Atwood?


This  is the home country of Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space

What is Russia?


This country was the first to give its women the right to vote, in 1893

What is New Zealand?


Alice Augusta Ball was one of the first to develop an effective treatment for Hanson's Disease, an illness more commonly known by this name

What is leprosy? 

This French teenager led an army when she was only 16 years old

Who is Joan of Arc?


This English writer was born Adeline Virginia Stephen in 1882 and is considered one of the most important 20th century modernist writers

Who is Virginia Woolf?


She is the first and only tennis player to achieve a Career Golden Slam in both singles and doubles

Who is Serena Williams?


The first National Women's Day was celebrated in this major American city in 1909. This was later adopted as International Women's Day worldwide

Where is New York, NY?


The work of chemist and x-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin was essential in determining the structure of this biological molecule

What is DNA?


This ancient Greek poet wrote prolific works on her love for nature and women

Who is Sappho of Lesbos?


Louisa May Alcott wrote this famous novel, which has inspired 6 different movie remakes between 1917 and 2019

What is Little Women?


She was the first woman to win an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony)  

Who is Helen Hayes?


This Nordic country has had a female head of state for 25 of the past 50 years, and currently has a female prime minister 

What is Iceland?


Elizabeth H. Blackburn and Carol Greider were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering these genetic "caps" that prevent damage to chromosomes during cell division

What are telomeres


This Alexandrian woman is the earliest recorded female mathematician and philosopher

Who is Hypatia of Alexandria?


This author received the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1921 for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'.

Who is Edith Wharton?


In 1966, Bobbi Gibb became the first woman to run in (and complete) this Bostonian athletic event

What is the Boston Marathon?


This small, Caribbean country is the only in the world that is named for a (real) woman

Hint: She was a Saint

What is Saint Lucia?