We are here to learn.
We are here to work together.
We are here to do the right thing.
What will happen if you take your phone out during school? (the first time)
You will be sent to Re-engagement to hand it in for the day. Parents will be contacted.
Does my teacher still need to sign my organiser when I go to the bathroom?
MATHS (No calculators)
A shop sells balloons in bags of five. For a party, 20 balloons are needed. How many bags of balloons are needed?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 25 d) 100
Which country was the first to use paper money?
a) America b) England or c) China
C) China
What is the expected attendance rate?
According to the uniform policy, how many earrings are you allowed to wear?
up to two small pairs of earrings only - studs or sleepers ear piercings.
What is this week's gratitude prompt?
What am I doing today that my future self will thank me for?
Find the misspelt words and spell it correctly:
A bunch of silly thiefs stole some tellyvisions.
What is the only food that can't go bad?
What should you do if you are absent from school?
Your parents should call the school and notify them of your absence with a reason why. If they do this, your "approved attendance" rate won't be impacted. This is the attendance % we use for rewards days.
I've turned up to school in the wrong shoes and socks, what should I do?
Go straight to the Re-engagement Centre before school starts. They will be able to loan me the correct uniform for the day. I should then return these items at the end of the day so they can be washed by the school.
What are the coloured cards at the back of my organiser for?
These cards match up to the Zones of Regulation. I can use these to display how I am feeling to my teachers.
What is wrong in this sentence?
There mum rang to ask where their getting coffee.
The wrong there, and their are being used.
Their mum rang to ask where they're getting coffee.
Which is the largest country in the world?
How many Parky Points is it possible to earn in a week? (You will need to do some maths to find this answer)
75 points per student. (3 points per lesson each day - including homeroom)
Which of these nails is suitable for school?
a) b)
The answer is C.
A is too long.
B uses coloured nail polish which is not allowed in the school policy.
On what page can I find the Student Expectations?
What three categories are the student expectations organised into? List two examples of student behaviour from each.
Page 17.
Teacher's please see answer sheet for all possible answers.
Spell the mystery word
Where would you find the world's most ancient forest?
Daintree Forest, QLD, Australia. (North of Cairns.)
What three (3) criteria do you have to meet to attend school rewards days?
300 Parky Points, 92% Attendance, 0 Outstanding Detentions.
When and where can I go to the bathroom throughout the school day?
At lunch time, I can go to the bathroom in my area (Canteen, W/U Block, and R Block).
During class, I cannot go in the first 10 or last 10 minutes of class time. I can only go to the X block toilets.
Open your organisers to page 8 & 9.
You will win 500 points if a member from your group used their organiser for its intention last week.
i.e. tracking homework, completing the quiz or gratitude prompt.
Page 17.
Teacher's please see answer sheet for all possible answers.
Paul is playing a ‘Guess My Number’ game. He gives these clues about his number.
My number is a square number.
My number is divisible by 2 and 9.
My number has 2 digits.
What is Paul’s number?
Name one animal that existed before trees.
Sharks, sea snails, Horseshoe crabs or Jellyfish.